I am thrilled to be back to training strongman and finding my passion to train once again. My return to strongman isn't just about getting back into event training. It's also my return to dropping weight, becoming athletic once again, maintaining solid nutrition AND figuring out how to incorporate and maintain grip training in the mix. In the past that has not been possible and I generally go out in a big ball of flames. This time I'm optimistic.

A perfect storm is brewing and many different components of who I am as an athlete are changing and improving. Part of this process is reflecting on where I have been in order to catch you all up while continuing the inner strength to rebuild and compete at my best.

You can catch up on the three installments of how I got to where I am

Rebuilding: The Fat Doctor & Inevitable Decline

Rebuilding: The Fall Out

Rebuilding: Path To Success

From 4/28

Warm Up/Mobility

Stir The Pot - 3x8

Block Pulls
135, 2x5
225, 1x3
330, 2x3
380, 1x3

SSB Good Mornings
165, 1x5
165, 1x6

COC 2 - 1x2
COC 2 - 3x5

Each time I am done training, I feel like I will never get back to where I was or it will take an eternity to get there. While not a good plan in general, catching up with my log in this manner is helpful to see the small steps I am making each week. That's the purpose of the program, right? Progress is always a welcome thing.