Learning the Language of a Prospect
Learning the Language of a Prospect
We tend to go into things with fitness coach or trainer eyes. We need to start seeing through the clients’ eyes and thinking like they do. We need to relate to them. Once you do that, you can take them on a journey.
Disruptive Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategies
Disruptive Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategies
Don’t compete for fish in chum-filled waters. Instead, go where no one else has ever gone before. Be the next Takeru Kobayashi. Be the next CrossFit. Be the next elitefts. Become whatever it is you want and change the game.
Focus on Success
Focus on Success
Two people see the same situation; one person sees the opportunity, and one person sees the obstacle. In order to overcome the obstacle, it takes a different perspective — a positive one.
WATCH: Jump Into Your Next Contest
WATCH: Jump Into Your Next Contest
The best part of strongman is that you don’t know what to expect — and that’s what makes it so fun! Rather than worry about having the “right” equipment, Matt Mills says you should jump in and compete.
You Can Learn Anything
You Can Learn Anything
I don’t know why my tae-kwon-do instructor did this after I told him I couldn’t afford lessons, but he said, “You’ll be back, and you’ll teach the kids’ class.” He gave me an opportunity to become a coach, which changed the direction of my life.
JL Holdsworth Pens Feature Article on T-Nation.com
JL Holdsworth Pens Feature Article on T-Nation.com
Owner of The Spot Athletics and recent elitefts seminar speaker JL Holdsworth co-wrote a feature article about the deadlift on T-Nation.com. Be sure to check it out!
What It Means to "Pass On"
What It Means to "Pass On"
Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of coaches telling other coaches to be careful of people who ask for advice in case they’ll steal their trade secrets. Knock it off. Where did you learn the stuff you know now? That knowledge is not yours alone.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Anne Sheehan
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Anne Sheehan
The newest Team elitefts athlete Anne Sheehan learned while she was getting sober that she needed someone else’s help — and she did it. And that’s exactly what her athlete logs will do: help other powerlifters in their journeys.
WATCH: What I'm Seeing and Why It’s Wrong: Flaring the Bench
WATCH: What I'm Seeing and Why It’s Wrong: Flaring the Bench
elitefts coach and 2019 Stronger Sports Training Success Summit speaker Julia Anto has seen far too many social media lifts with poor form — enough to start up a video series to correct lifters’ form. In the second video of the series, she fixes the bench flare.
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit presenter Joe Bennett describes the Prowler as “one of the most intelligent, brutal, effective, and underutilized tools in bodybuilding.” See for yourself what else the Hypertrophy Coach has to say about the elitefts Prowler.
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
We get that training is a top priority for most of our readers, but we also understand that life is messy and complicated. School and/or work can get in the way of training. It’s not realistic for training to come first all the time, which is why this realistic program was made.
WATCH: SSTSS Presenter Dr. Kinakin on Weightlifting Injuries in Athletes
WATCH: SSTSS Presenter Dr. Kinakin on Weightlifting Injuries in Athletes
With all of his credentials, it’s no wonder Dr. Ken Kinakin has been a speaker at elitefts seminars — and he’ll be taking up the role again for the upcoming 2019 Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit. Here are the topics he’ll be presenting on.
Learn to Train X — Dave Tate Teaches the Max Effort Method
Learn to Train X — Dave Tate Teaches the Max Effort Method
“How do you get better at lifting heavier weights? Well, you do it by lifting heavier fucking weights!” In this video from Learn to Train X, Dave focuses on instructing the max effort method, which is working up to a “heavy fucking weight that’s generally going to be 90 percent or above,” including technical breakdown.
Buddy Morris on Stress and Recovery for the Athlete
Buddy Morris on Stress and Recovery for the Athlete
“Play the game; don’t let the game play you.” Coach Buddy Morris (one of the speakers for the 2019 Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Seminar) talks about stress adaptation and recovery with Dave Tate, Tom Myslinski, and Jim Wendler in the sixth video of a nine-part conversation.
Update: elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit Schedule and Registration
Update: elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit Schedule ...
Registration for the 2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit is now open! Not sure about the schedule? Click here for more information. Got the info? What are you waiting for? On your mark, get set... GO REGISTER!

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