Auto-Regulation for Dummies
Auto-Regulation for Dummies
Here’s a concise guide on how to understand and implement auto-regulation into your training to maximise results.
Does the Drill Carry Over?
Does the Drill Carry Over?
To create a long-term change, there needs to be a stimulus strong enough to elicit an adaptation and groove the pattern.
The Development of the Russian Conjugate Sequence System
The Development of the Russian Conjugate Sequence System
The conjugate approach accomplishes simultaneously training all necessary motor abilities with a constant renewal and reestablishing process.
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
The meet prep beast is going to rear its ugly heads at you sometimes, and its mugs come in many forms: injuries, stress, or a lousy no-show training partner. When one of them tries to bite, it’s best to have a flexible plan of action that helps you nimbly dodge from the monster’s jaws.
How Muscle Adapts to Lifting: Across Scales
How Muscle Adapts to Lifting: Across Scales
Understanding how muscles work at even the smallest scale can help you make bigger and better gains during your training sessions at the gym.
To Swab or Not to Swab: Genetic Testing and Performance
To Swab or Not to Swab: Genetic Testing and Performance
We all share about 99.9% of the same genes. It’s only 0.1% that makes us unique, but that 0.1% can make a big difference in your physique and performance.
The General Adaptation Syndrome and Its Applications for Training
The General Adaptation Syndrome and Its Applications for Training
As a scientist who studies the fundamental basis of how muscles get bigger and repair in response to stress, and as a lifter who has always cared a bunch about programming, I find the debate surrounding GAS very interesting.
Hunger Is Not Enough: Attempt Selection
Hunger Is Not Enough: Attempt Selection
You want that total. You have your heart set on it.
Muscle Memory: The Three Key Muscle Fiber Changes
Muscle Memory: The Three Key Muscle Fiber Changes
The muscle memory phenomenon is a multi-faceted process with many different areas of the body having a different “memory” in relation to degree and timeframe. Let’s look deeper into this process.
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
Your numbers will be subject to so many external variables, but your character is forged by intentionality.
Effective or Ineffective: When To Keep or Drop Your Training Program
Effective or Ineffective: When To Keep or Drop Your Training Program
Your body must undergo multiple stages of adaptation before you decide whether or not your training program is working for you. Patience, my friend. Patience.
DOMS: What Do We Know About Muscle Soreness?
DOMS: What Do We Know About Muscle Soreness?
Using scientific study as its foundation, this article has two main goals: better explain the causes of delayed onset muscle soreness and disprove three common misconceptions.
All Movement Begins in the Brain
All Movement Begins in the Brain
No matter the athlete, the ability to move is the most important function to build. Sometimes, it’s best to slow things down.
Why the Rate of Perceived Exertion System Is Not BS
Why the Rate of Perceived Exertion System Is Not BS
With autoregulation, a system such as RPE can help manage life stressors and account for nueromuscular processes on a given day…but only if you use it correctly.
Are Ice Baths Always The Answer?
Are Ice Baths Always The Answer?
Cold baths are great, they do their job and decrease stress. Is using them post workout beneficial?
Are Anti-Oxidants Affecting Your Muscle Growth?
Are Anti-Oxidants Affecting Your Muscle Growth?
Wait, anti-oxidants are good for everything?
Powerlifting Is HARD
Powerlifting Is HARD
If you are limited by the work and sacrifice that are required to be a champion, then embrace your mediocrity!
The Practical Paradigm: Threshold of Adaptation
The Practical Paradigm: Threshold of Adaptation
The long-term development of an athlete should always be in the forefront of every training program.
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation (Part 2)
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation (Part 2)
Training is not a process that should be equated to randomly throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation
Training is best when aged slowly, like a fine wine.
Muscle Confusion Debunked
Muscle Confusion Debunked
Confusing your muscles: does it make you stronger?
By the Coach for the Coach: It Isn't the Strongest of the Species That Survives
By the Coach for the Coach: It Isn't the Strongest of the Species T...
I like to think that, as a profession, we’re much better than we were.
Making the Switch from Power Athlete to Bodybuilder: Rethinking the Pre-Exhaust
Making the Switch from Power Athlete to Bodybuilder: Rethinking the Pre-...
The types of adaptations that power athletes have elicited through their training emanate not from one particular muscle group but rather from the entire central nervous system.
Adaptation Revisited
Adaptation Revisited
All athletes are trying to accomplish the same thing in their training.

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