I Know Shit
I Know Shit
What’s common knowledge to me may in fact be new to you…so here you go: Thirty-five training, nutrition, and supplementation gems to reach your physique goals. And oh do these gems glisten.
Strategic Variation: The Misunderstood Key to Long-Term Growth
Strategic Variation: The Misunderstood Key to Long-Term Growth
Muscle growth doesn’t happen overnight. So, instead of thinking you have to hit every fiber from every angle right now, realize that hitting them all over the course of several months will be far superior for your results, keep you progressing indefinitely, and help you to avoid injury.
The Power of Bodyweight Training
The Power of Bodyweight Training
Resistance is resistance, no matter from which source it comes. When you do a push-up, your body doesn’t just go, “What, he’s doing a push-up? Nah, I ain’t growing.”
WATCH: How to Be a Healthier Competitor
WATCH: How to Be a Healthier Competitor
If you think you can push your body to the extremes of its capabilities and not suffer consequences, you’re wrong.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter— How to Use High Reps to Get Strong(er)
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter— How to Use High Reps to Get Strong(er)
High-rep training is extraordinarily useful to powerlifters (even if it’s also extraordinarily unpleasant). Like any other programming tool, however, it needs to be used appropriately, or it can cause more harm than good.
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
There are a lot of great tips, but these are what I consider the best for training back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, calves, legs, and abs.
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
Find a Real Gym
Find a Real Gym
Here are several reasons free weight training coupled with a real gym can be a superior alternative for a female trainee.
Customize the Perfect Intra-Workout Shake
Customize the Perfect Intra-Workout Shake
The intra-workout shake exists as a valuable a tool that you can use to your benefit when you have all your other ducks in a row. Design it to specifically fit your needs and you’ll see even greater benefits.
Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Given the advantage of hindsight and the progress I enjoyed during a productive six month off-season, it’s time to share the most valuable lessons from placing all my efforts on getting big without letting my physique get sloppy.
5 Training Hacks for Underdeveloped Hamstrings
5 Training Hacks for Underdeveloped Hamstrings
Effectively train your hamstrings with these hacks and find yourself sitting a few inches taller.
Get Big Without Getting Slow: Cluster Training
Get Big Without Getting Slow: Cluster Training
By gaining muscle, you increase your ceiling for strength. By getting stronger, you increase your ceiling for power.
The 10 Fat Loss Commandments
The 10 Fat Loss Commandments
These guidelines can be used by anyone looking to melt off body fat.
Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat
Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Nee...
In wrestling, as in every weight class sport, proper nutrition can save you from enduring grueling last-week weight cuts. This off-season plan reduces the need for the old-school dangerous approach.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Chains change the game — and not just for powerlifters. I’m going to show you an unconventional fly that is fit for the bro to the top pro.
Hypertrophy Hierarchy: How Your Muscle-Building Program Should Evolve Over Time
Hypertrophy Hierarchy: How Your Muscle-Building Program Should Evolve Ov...
The techniques of top bodybuilders may look fun. They may entice you. But first, you need to earn them.
A Practical Guide to Real World Nutrition
A Practical Guide to Real World Nutrition
The most advanced scientific diet program only works if you stay committed. Consider a more flexible approach to keep you living a normal life while you transform your body.
3 Ways to Really Build Muscle
3 Ways to Really Build Muscle
Are you looking for the magic tip to gaining solid lean muscle mass? Look no more. All you need to know is within this article.
Athletic Bodybuilding: Five Ways to Build a Bigger and Stronger Back
Athletic Bodybuilding: Five Ways to Build a Bigger and Stronger Back
The greatest way to build lean, strong muscle is to train like an athlete.
Heavy or Light Weight?
Heavy or Light Weight?
To get toned and ripped muscles, it’s best to do a lot of reps with light weight to failure…wrong!
Three the Hard Way
Three the Hard Way
Jimmy discusses time, exercise selection, and conditioning and how all three are important for reaching your fitness goals.

22 Item(s)