A High School Strength and Conditioning Program
A High School Strength and Conditioning Program
Here’s insight into our high school strength and conditioning program. Consider the principles we follow.
6 Ways to Increase Performance
6 Ways to Increase Performance
Increase your athlete’s performance so they become stronger, faster and more efficient. Here are 6 program designing concepts to implement.
Undervalued Tools and Overused Methods in the Weight Room
Undervalued Tools and Overused Methods in the Weight Room
When I fully shifted to powerlifting and really began learning about strength, I just kept thinking about why I never got any of this information when I was an athlete.
Shades of Grey
Shades of Grey
I remember a time in strength and conditioning when hard work and sweat equity were paramount, and the integrity of the workout was the most important thing. Our most important job was player development, period.
The Law of the Paint Can: Delegate and Say No
The Law of the Paint Can: Delegate and Say No
Our ambition may be endless but our abilities are finite. When we try to take on too much, something is soon to go wrong.
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Do these beloved training movements contribute to soft tissues injuries more than they improve athletic performance? Before you make up your mind, hear me out.
Lessons for Parents, Coaches, and Players
Lessons for Parents, Coaches, and Players
Are players expected to display self control on the field if parents don't demonstrate it from the bleachers?
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
I think it is important to look to the past to avoid future mistakes.
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
We want to teach that we move objects. We do not allow those objects to move us.
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
To be truly successful in powerlifting, one must be seriously motivated.
By the Coach for the Coach: Don't Do at 25 What You Won't Do at 35!
By the Coach for the Coach: Don't Do at 25 What You Won't Do a...
Take a break, read a book, drink a beer, connect with others, and do something that you enjoy outside of work.
Kindergarten Tricks
Kindergarten Tricks
You’d be amazed how much I take away from the elementary school students and apply to my clients at the gym.
Learning to Learn: Becoming the Strength Coach You Were Meant to Be, Part 1
Learning to Learn: Becoming the Strength Coach You Were Meant to Be, Part 1
Based on what has been presented to you, you can now coach knowing there are specific steps that athletes go through in order to learn.
Interns and Impact, Part Two: The Impression You Make on the Athletes
Interns and Impact, Part Two: The Impression You Make on the Athletes
I have seen many interns who don’t understand that each internship is a test and you need to bust your butt to make that internship into a job.
Interns and Impact, Part One: The Impression You Make on the Coaching Staff
Interns and Impact, Part One: The Impression You Make on the Coaching Staff
When you’re an intern at a big school, it’s like you’re a 20-kilogram plate in a weight room.
Top Five Ways to a Kick Ass Garage Gym
Top Five Ways to a Kick Ass Garage Gym
When I first went to the Underground Strength Gym in 2008, I had no idea what to expect.

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