Time Your Sets
Time Your Sets
Why are we only prescribing duration for conditioning and not for exercises? After all, sport is timed by duration.
Understanding Energy Systems for Freak Conditioning
Understanding Energy Systems for Freak Conditioning
When it comes to conditioning, we need to consider how fast our systems can produce ATP, how long we can produce it for, and how efficiently your body can utilize the ATP being produced. To do that, here’s what we need to do.
Conditioning 101
Conditioning 101
With everyone constantly pushing the envelope with tons of volume and intensity for extended periods, I felt that it was important to shed some light on this topic to slow down the burnout and chronic fatigue we’re seeing these days.
How Strength and Speed Training Can Help Build Your Aerobic Capacity
How Strength and Speed Training Can Help Build Your Aerobic Capacity
Strength and speed training positively influenced my client’s Ironman competition outcome, an event that is very aerobic- and lactic power-based, but why? Let’s take a closer look at energy systems as a whole to find out.
Start Building Aerobic Capacity for Your Sport
Start Building Aerobic Capacity for Your Sport
Science has proven time and time again that having a football player running endless 100-yard sprints isn’t the best option. In fact, it shouldn’t even be thought of as an option. Instead, use current information about energy systems to improve training.
The Aerobic System for Every Athlete
The Aerobic System for Every Athlete
Every athlete needs to develop an aerobic base somewhere within their training program in order to be in control of their nervous system and to promote better recovery. Here are the benefits of doing so.
Training Lanes: A Guide to Conjugate Programming for Athletes
Training Lanes: A Guide to Conjugate Programming for Athletes
Some people say that being a good teacher means explaining things in the simplest, easiest-to-understand terms. When it comes to conjugate programming, using training lanes is the way to accomplish this.
Lactate: Friend or Foe?
Lactate: Friend or Foe?
From regenerative properties to acidic buffering abilities and more, lactate has many functions and effects.
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Recovery and Weight Class Transition
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Recovery and Weight Class Transition
JL, Swede, and Casey continue their question-and-answer session by addressing how lifters can increase recoverability and maintain strength during weight loss.
Programming for Athletes: Beyond the Sets and Reps
Programming for Athletes: Beyond the Sets and Reps
Ensure your athletes are physically prepared for specific sport demands by properly programming these aspects of training success.
Around the Web: Sports Performance Weekly - 5 Articles You Should Read
Around the Web: Sports Performance Weekly - 5 Articles You Should Read
Using Facebook for good instead of evil. Five articles that will expand your knowledge and perspective.
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Like no other sport in America, football relies on a productive off-season to dominate in the fall.
Training Energy Systems for Boxing Success
Training Energy Systems for Boxing Success
Extended miles of road work may not be the best for developing late-round power. Boost your in-the-ring performance with these energy system tips.
The Truth About Energy Systems
The Truth About Energy Systems
You think you're so badass on your Harley, try out my Kreb's cycle.
Spotting the Truth
Spotting the Truth
This man can crush your hand like a bag of Doritos. Listen to him.
Developing an Athlete's Aerobic Capacity
Developing an Athlete's Aerobic Capacity
It’s not about running your athletes into the ground.
The Flexible Periodization Method: How to Mix Oil and Water (Part 2)
The Flexible Periodization Method: How to Mix Oil and Water (Part 2)
Asking the right questions is a fundamental skill that can help you operate at the highest level possible.
Energy System Training for Football Athletes
Energy System Training for Football Athletes
The old—school meat—head coach way of asking your question is, “how do I keep my fat—ass lineman in shape without pounding their legs?”
Training the Athlete
Training the Athlete
Concentrate your efforts on training the dominant energy system (anaerobic alactic, anaerobic lactic, or aerobic) for your sport or activity.

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