PR Your Next Bench Training Session
PR Your Next Bench Training Session
If your movement is constrained, how will this directly affect your bench stroke? A LOT. Try these four stretches.
Does Mobility or Stability Come First?
Does Mobility or Stability Come First?
For those involved in the healthcare, fitness, and strength industries, this is a question that has been long debated and has much enthusiasm behind it, creating the ultimate chicken vs. the egg debate in the human body. So which is the answer? How do we know once and for all?
Creating the Perfect Warm-Up
Creating the Perfect Warm-Up
We value warming up before lifting or any exercise, but we don’t really think much about how to structure a warm-up. This article will help solve just that with a comprehensive review of the literature on approaches to warming up.
Your Business Can Survive Anything With This
Your Business Can Survive Anything With This
Listen, Blockbuster, Sears, and Kodak went under because they failed to add this secret ingredient to their business models. Are you willing to risk all your business’ longevity? Read on to see how your business can stand the test of time.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Program
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Program
If we are not seeing progress in the right direction within an expected length of time, we must change things up. If we are not evaluating, then how do we even know if we are making progress at all?
Unilateral Training in the High School Weight Room — The Missing Link
Unilateral Training in the High School Weight Room — The Missing Link
It is our job to be more efficient in our programming, and here is why unilateral work plays such a huge roll in that.
Yoga for the Serious Strength Athlete
Yoga for the Serious Strength Athlete
This practice is useful for avoiding development of dangerous muscle imbalances, muscle tears, and joint impingements — but that’s just the start of what it can do for your training and your life.
The Need for Flexibility in Exercise Selection and Progression
The Need for Flexibility in Exercise Selection and Progression
It’s interesting — as strength coaches, we constantly talk about the need for good programming and consistency, but having flexibility is undoubtedly a key component.
Mobility Versus Flexibility
Mobility Versus Flexibility
Is mobility even a real thing, or a substitution for people that don’t actually train, compete, or play in an actual defined activity?
What to Do As A Novice Strongman — Writing Your Own Program
What to Do As A Novice Strongman — Writing Your Own Program
You need a lot in a strongman program: basic barbell lifts, accessory work, practice with the events, conditioning, flexibility, mobility, and recovery work. Use these ideas to build your own training program.
Acumobility — A Game Changer in Mobility
Acumobility — A Game Changer in Mobility
Once the orange ones lose their painful effect, you need to get yourself blue balls. Yeah, I said it. Blue balls.
Physical Preparation Guidelines Every Firefighter Should Follow
Physical Preparation Guidelines Every Firefighter Should Follow
Your job is your playing field and you need to prepare your body for game situations through proper training, nutrition and hydration, along with preventative maintenance and recovery.
How to Train and Use the Stretch Reflex for Better Performance
How to Train and Use the Stretch Reflex for Better Performance
The stretch reflex plays a vital role in your body’s ability to promote flexibility, increase strength, and develop power.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
What is the best way to prepare for your training session? Do you need a foam roller? Muscle activation techniques? A reverse hyper?
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
This sample one-week program outlines training tactics for developing basic fundamental movement skills.
Analyzing Simple Movement Screens
Analyzing Simple Movement Screens
Using these three mobility and stability rules, determine which corrective exercises you need for long-term physical performance.
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
With attention to detail, effort, and intelligent progressions, Olympic lifts can be both enjoyable and highly effective in developing a range of physical qualities.
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
While being coached by Leo Totten and Mike Gattone at the NSCA National Conference, they finally got me to the point where I could actually catch a clean.
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
What you eat makes a giant difference on the platform.
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
With Jim Wendler, Mark McLaughlin, Bob Youngs, Alwyn Cosgrove, Tom Deebel, Jason Ferruggia, Julia Ladewski, Dave Tate, and Mike Hope.
Does Stretching Make You Flexible?
Does Stretching Make You Flexible?
This goes out to all the mobility experts, strength coaches and yoga instructors…
Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself: Part 1
Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself: Part 1
When I first started lifting and training in general, all my knowledge came from the internet; I didn’t have any experience.
Obtain Flexibility in Shoulders
Obtain Flexibility in Shoulders
Rehab Specialist Mike Robertson talks shoulder flexibility with powerlifter Adam Driggers.
The Side Press: A Guaranteed Improvement in Strength and Flexibility
The Side Press: A Guaranteed Improvement in Strength and Flexibility
Any coach out there has some finite goals they use to measure the levels of strength of an athlete.
So You Wanna be a Fighter? Part 3
So You Wanna be a Fighter? Part 3
This is the final installment of the series—where my transition from powerlifter to entering a mixed martial arts (MMA) tournament takes place.
Development of Division 1 Football
Development of Division 1 Football
We believe the initial year in our program is the most critical to an athletes’ over all development. During this period, the strength and conditioning staff must implement the foundation for development.
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
Football coaches know that selecting a player based on combine results is a crap shoot at best. In this article, Dr. Yessis evaluates the tests used to offer a possible explanation of why the combine results are such poor predictors of game play success.
Static Postural Assessments
Static Postural Assessments
After college, I strength trained at a chiropractic rehabilitation facility for a few years. While there, I picked up a few helpful tips that I still use today when initiating static postural assessments for my athletes.
Top 10 Speed Training Myths Revealed
Top 10 Speed Training Myths Revealed
Every day someone asks me a question about training speed. So here are those questions heard most frequently as well as the answers to them.
Benefits of a Strength and Conditioning Program
Benefits of a Strength and Conditioning Program
If you’re reading this, you probably have a good understanding of why strength and conditioning is important. However, I’d like to reach the coaches, athletic directors, and lazy athletes who will never reach their potential because of a lack of education.
Pistol Power: Mastering the One-Legged Squat
Pistol Power: Mastering the One-Legged Squat
What if I told you that by adding just one exercise to your training repertoire, you would be stronger, more flexible, and more coordinated, and also be able to run faster, jump higher, and have overall better health? Would it be worth investing the time to learn and practice?
Fun with Your (Med) Balls
Fun with Your (Med) Balls
If you’ve been training long enough, chances are that just about everything you do is routine. Possibly the worst part of having a routine is monotony and boredom, especially when it comes to warming-up; you know it’s important, but damn if it isn’t downright boring!

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