Start Here: Your 3 Core Offerings
Start Here: Your 3 Core Offerings
From a revenue standpoint, you should consider packages to be your gold standard. Combining nutrition coaching with exercise coaching (either personal or group training) will get a client to their goals faster but should bring you more value for your time.
Chris Tutela Records Podcast Episode with Joe DeFranco
Chris Tutela Records Podcast Episode with Joe DeFranco
In the seventh episode of "The Iron Life Podcast," Chris Tutela and Joe DeFranco will talk about exercise variations, group training programming, and more. The episode will drop Friday, June 21st.
GPP Training: You're Doing It Wrong
GPP Training: You're Doing It Wrong
If your client cannot pull a sled or carry two heavy kettlebells without having to rest excessively between sets, you need to implement GPP to build your clients’ foundations. But you need to implement it the right way.
How to Coach Based on Personality Type
How to Coach Based on Personality Type
Knowing your clients’ personalities and using that knowledge for communication and programming can make you a better, more effective coach. Here’s how you can do that using the DISC personality model.
Scale Up Your Personal Training Business With 2:1 Sessions
Scale Up Your Personal Training Business With 2:1 Sessions
One of the simplest ways for a personal trainer to make more money is to train two clients at once. It’s also the fastest way to scale your income without adding additional time to your schedule. Welcome to the world of 2:1 training.
How to Improve Box Programming
How to Improve Box Programming
Consider how your clients are responding to stress and the demands of your program and what we need to consider to devise a better plan. That’s how we’ll improve this sport.
Running Cycles at Boxes: Stop Wasting Your Clients' Time
Running Cycles at Boxes: Stop Wasting Your Clients' Time
I’m not going to waste your time today, so I’ll get right to the point. Here is my list of reasons why you should avoid linear programming for group box classes at your facility like the plague. Your clients will thank you — maybe not directly, but at least by continuing to show up for class.
A Training Cycle Alternative for Group Athletes
A Training Cycle Alternative for Group Athletes
Linear periodization has its place, and I’ve used it with varying levels of success, but overall there are simply too many drawbacks when used for group programming. Here’s what I use instead.
Fivearms and Sibling Rivalry
Fivearms and Sibling Rivalry
Never underestimate the ability of healthy competition to fan the flames of the training spirit — even for something as small as forearm size.
Developing Strength and Conditioning in the Same Training Session
Developing Strength and Conditioning in the Same Training Session
Our goal is to help our clients become better versions of themselves in terms of fitness, longevity, and body composition, so well-rounded concurrent fitness is often the best course of action.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Jason Brown
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Jason Brown
"elitefts stands for something more than just a site coaches can go to educate themselves or a place where you can purchase great equipment..."
Educate Your Clients for Better Buy-In
Educate Your Clients for Better Buy-In
It’s easy to tell your clients why you’re doing what you’re doing, but it’s much harder to prove to them they’ll be rewarded for their efforts. Here are six steps to helping them believe in your methods and the work they’re putting in.
Find a Real Gym
Find a Real Gym
Here are several reasons free weight training coupled with a real gym can be a superior alternative for a female trainee.
The Max Effort Method vs. Dynamic Effort Method in Group Training
The Max Effort Method vs. Dynamic Effort Method in Group Training
Trying to build superior performance without diversity in your training is like trying to build a house with nothing but a hammer and a box of nails: the final product isn’t going to impress anyone.
Gym Business: What I Wish I Knew When I Started
Gym Business: What I Wish I Knew When I Started
Without passion for what I do, I would have closed down a long time ago. I get a lot of questions about starting a facility similar to my own, so here is some advice I wish someone would’ve given me years ago.
The Agility Ladder — Useful Tool or Waste of Time?
The Agility Ladder — Useful Tool or Waste of Time?
I’ve heard more times than I can count that agility ladders are not all they are cracked up to be, that they don’t fit into an elite athlete’s program, that they don’t develop speed, and that they don’t develop change of direction skills.
The Goal Review Session
The Goal Review Session
Sometimes a client gets bored. Sometimes they get busy. And sometimes they just want something new.
How To Price Personal Training
How To Price Personal Training
Unsure where to set prices for 1:1 or small group training? Here’s an in-depth look at the industry’s current rates and how to best incentivize your trainers while bringing more clients—and money—to your gym.
Group Training: Use Your Constraints for Program Construction
Group Training: Use Your Constraints for Program Construction
The first thing that you need to do is decide on what your limiting factors are: time, equipment, physical abilities, skill, and audience.
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
We’ve had great success devoting three weeks to volume in transition from and to competition prep with this 2-on/1-off/2-on/weekend-off setup.
Hawaiian Pizza, Baseball, and Group Training
Hawaiian Pizza, Baseball, and Group Training
With young athletes, the key to using a group training protocol to fuel PRs is understanding the psychology of friendly competition.
Effective Group Training for Women
Effective Group Training for Women
Group fitness training does not have to be “one size fits all.”
Garage Gyms: How to Run Groups Effectively
Garage Gyms: How to Run Groups Effectively
Your coaching facility should be a place where work is accomplished, goals are met, and pride is instilled.

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