Bear Crawl Sled Drags with Kettlebells
Bear Crawl Sled Drags with Kettlebells
This movement is one of my favorite sled training exercises, but I guess it can go here as well!
Pull Through - Sled
Pull Through - Sled
Ensure tension on strap at start
Hip/Leg Abduction - Sled
Hip/Leg Abduction - Sled
Secure strap around ankle
Harness Dragging
Harness Dragging
I have used both the harness and the belt for sled dragging.
Hand Over Hand Rope Sled Pull
Hand Over Hand Rope Sled Pull
This can also be done as an alternative to rope climbing for heavier guys and / or for safety reasons.
Front & Rear Raise - Sled
Front & Rear Raise - Sled
These two movements have saved my shoulders too many times to count.
Forward Belt Drag
Forward Belt Drag
Maintain upright posture in order to activate the posterior chain muscles
Sled Bicep Curl
Sled Bicep Curl
Ensure tension on strap at start
Bent Over Forward Drag
Bent Over Forward Drag
Strengthen posterior chain
Bear Crawl
Bear Crawl
Attach strap to shoulder harness or belt
Backward Belt Drag
Backward Belt Drag
Quadriceps are on fire!
Backward Ankle Drag
Backward Ankle Drag
Hamstrings, Glutes, Erectors

12 Item(s)