The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
How can we create the damage and nastiness required for a productive leg workout while sparing our backs?
Utilization and Progression of the Romanian Deadlift in Baseball
Utilization and Progression of the Romanian Deadlift in Baseball
Hitting requires an athlete to hinge and load their rear leg. Pitching requires a slight hinge and load in their rear leg prior to delivery. Defensive players need to be able to get into an athletic position to move efficiently and decisively to a ground or fly ball. RDL your athletes!
The Anti- Tin Man Romanian Deadlift
The Anti- Tin Man Romanian Deadlift
Implementation is the easiest part of this exercise because you are using only your available range and not approaching this with a “must have the mobility of a 12-year-old gymnast” mentality. Here’s your chance to access planes and ranges of motion that most of us forget even exist.
Romanian Deadlift Variations for Stronger Hamstrings
Romanian Deadlift Variations for Stronger Hamstrings
Other than the GHR, nothing else builds the hamstrings better than Romanian Deadlifts. Try out these variations, and you’ll see a difference in those hammies.
Romanian Deadlifts Revisited: How to Appropriately Apply The Hinge
Romanian Deadlifts Revisited: How to Appropriately Apply The Hinge
There’s an assumption (known or unknown) that everyone has the proficiency to perform what we see “if we just lower the weight.” That’s quite the caveat with a lot of assumption, especially when it comes to movements like the Romanian Deadlift.
Muscle Doc's Big(gest) Three: Core Movements for Strength and Performance
Muscle Doc's Big(gest) Three: Core Movements for Strength and Perfo...
When we talk about the Big Three, we’re usually talking about squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Well, guess what: There are even more bigger and better Big Three movements out there. Find out what they are if you dare…
4 IG Exercises That Don't Suck
4 IG Exercises That Don't Suck
Out of all of the crap floating around on the Internet, I’ve only found 4 exercises to be worthy of mentioning. By the way, that says a lot because 2 of ’em use bands, and I am not a band guy.
Start Here Before You Clean
Start Here Before You Clean
A lot of individuals take what’s arguably the most highly coordinated regimen you can perform in the weight room and start individuals doing it day 1. At the collegiate level, these are the movements I make sure that my athletes can do before they are allowed to perform a proper clean motion.
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the RDL
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the RDL
One of the most common squat issues is weakness in the hamstrings. This exercise is one of many that can help solve the problem.
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — RDL Tips for Athletes
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — RDL T...
Range of motion should be limited by the hamstrings for this exercise, which means the bottom position may vary between athletes. That’s not a problem if they follow these rules.
WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports
WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports
Implement these multi-functional and easy-to-learn movements into your team training for greater time efficiency in the weight room.
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
Unilateral posterior chain movements can be extremely beneficial to athletes from a performance and injury reduction standpoint
Elitefts™ Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Technique
Elitefts™ Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Technique
Elitefts™ Coach and Owner of The Spot Athletics J.L. Holdsworth explains the proper execution of the Romanian Deadlift
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
We love the RDL as a general pattern builder.
RDLs Are For Everyone
RDLs Are For Everyone
Whether you are a strength athlete, powerlifter, Olympic lifter, or just into general fitness, the RDL is one of the best exercises around.
Single-Leg DB RDL
Single-Leg DB RDL
This exercise is taken from the regular two-legged RDL.
Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)
Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)
This exercise is used to strengthen the hamstrings and glutes.

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