6 Strategies to Advancement
6 Strategies to Advancement
Consider this me throwing you a lifesaver in the vast sea of information. This will help you figure out how to improve yourself by seeking out the best information possible… and how to best find that information.
Become 35% Stronger by Using Your Imagination
Become 35% Stronger by Using Your Imagination
Research shows that you can actually get stronger just by visualizing that you are training. The best of the best athletes do it, so why aren’t you doing it, too?
Take a Survey About Knee Wraps for Science!
Take a Survey About Knee Wraps for Science!
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs your help! Help her gather data on knee wraps for the latest installment in her "How Stuff Works" series about lifting gear.
“Fat but Fit” Isn't Accurate
“Fat but Fit” Isn't Accurate
A new study finds obese men to be at a higher risk of mortality than normal weight men regardless of aerobic fitness.
At What Weight Are You “Attractive”?
At What Weight Are You “Attractive”?
New research proposes the amount of weight a person needs to lose or gain in order to change others’ perceptions of their appearance.
New Study Highlights Brain Changes After Concussions
New Study Highlights Brain Changes After Concussions
Young football players who experience a concussion also show signs of reduced blood flow in the brain.
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
According to new research, the fatter you get, the harder it will be for your body to burn fat later.
New Research Shows Even More Benefits of Vitamin D
New Research Shows Even More Benefits of Vitamin D
New research adds to the growing body of evidence that vitamin D plays a key role in human health.
Brain and Muscle Communication between the Squatter, Runner and Channel Flipper
Brain and Muscle Communication between the Squatter, Runner and Channel ...
A squatter, runner, and a remote controller walk into a gym…
Phosphatidic Acid: Inhibiting Muscle Gain?
Phosphatidic Acid: Inhibiting Muscle Gain?
Some supplements need a little more research before being brought to market.
To Stretch or Not: What Does Scientific Study Say About Stretching and Muscle Growth?
To Stretch or Not: What Does Scientific Study Say About Stretching and M...
Several popular training programs call for a regimented stretching protocol as part of every workout. Is this all hype, or could it be the secret to your next 25 pounds of muscle?
LISTEN: Scott Stevenson's Scientific Approach to Peri-Workout Nutrition
LISTEN: Scott Stevenson's Scientific Approach to Peri-Workout Nutri...
The possibilities when constructing a pre, intra, and post-workout nutrition plan are nearly endless. Let Scott Stevenson break down the principles for you.
Is Your Post Workout Leucine Working?
Is Your Post Workout Leucine Working?
Whey and leucine post workout did not show much promise in this study, should you dump out your post workout shake?
New Depression Drug Works in a Day
New Depression Drug Works in a Day
A new medication still in testing stages proves to be a promising cure for those suffering from depression.
Are Anti-Oxidants Affecting Your Muscle Growth?
Are Anti-Oxidants Affecting Your Muscle Growth?
Wait, anti-oxidants are good for everything?
Living and Training as a Bipolar Narcoleptic: Getting an Accurate Diagnosis
Living and Training as a Bipolar Narcoleptic: Getting an Accurate Diagno...
Overcoming my life-altering issues started with taking back control by seeking a clinical explanation for what I was experiencing.
New Elitefts Wraps Exit Testing Phase
New Elitefts Wraps Exit Testing Phase
The soon-to-be-released wraps passed the extensive quality testing — and here's why they're special.
Muscle Protein Synthesis and the Anabolic Window
Muscle Protein Synthesis and the Anabolic Window
When God closes a gym door, he opens an anabolic window.
Has the Expert Earned Your Trust?
Has the Expert Earned Your Trust?
In a world of duplicitous grifters and unscrupulousness marketers, what qualities serve as a beacon of truth?
The Muscle Research Proposal Process
The Muscle Research Proposal Process
Those guys involved with the Manhattan Project did not have to deal with the politics and bureaucracy of modern day musclehead research. This guide will help you get that doctoral dissertation moving forward.
The Research Meathead: Pre Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 2)
The Research Meathead: Pre Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 2)
In this installment, the Research Meathead takes a look at Creatine, Beta Alanine, and HMB.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Brandon returns with a quick look at hypertrophy and running.
Integrative Bodybuilding: Peri Workout Recovery Supplementation (Part 1)
Integrative Bodybuilding: Peri Workout Recovery Supplementation (Part 1)
In Part 1 of this series, Scott focuses on the conflicting results of both acute experiments and training studies in regards to peri—workout RS.
Knowledge and Nonsense: Your Taste Preference Trumps All
Knowledge and Nonsense: Your Taste Preference Trumps All
If you are going to adhere to a diet for the long haul, you’d better incorporate foods you like. Here’s why.
Knowledge and Nonsense: How Expectation Influences Food Likes
Knowledge and Nonsense: How Expectation Influences Food Likes
Did you know that your expectations play a large role in your taste preferences?
The Science of Strength: Reading Research, Pt. II
The Science of Strength: Reading Research, Pt. II
Being statistically significant doesn’t mean a result has practical applications, however; it’s just measurable, and that measurable amount may or may not be of interest to you.
Biomechanical Analysis of the Deadlift
Biomechanical Analysis of the Deadlift
The deadlift can be considered as one of the best tests of overall body strength. It is a multi joint movement that in simple terms involves picking up a barbell from the floor and standing to the erect position.

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