The Squat Bar Isn't Bad For You
The Squat Bar Isn't Bad For You
I know it might FEEL bad, and you might feel banged up from squatting with it, but that does not mean you should be avoiding the straight bar.
4 Tips for the Injury-Plagued Bencher
4 Tips for the Injury-Plagued Bencher
These ideas are all things that have helped me as my lifting age has advanced and nagging injuries have come creeping in. Don’t settle for tweaks and breaks. Instead, make these changes today to avoid being banged up.
How-To: Specialty Squat Bars
How-To: Specialty Squat Bars
Let’s take a closer look at specialty bars and explore the REAL reasons you’ll want to use them for squats.
5 Gifts for a New Westside Conjugate Method Devotee
5 Gifts for a New Westside Conjugate Method Devotee
Whether you’re new to the Westside Conjugate Method or a die-hard supporter, this list has got you covered.
Top-5 Monolift Commandments
Top-5 Monolift Commandments
Monolift commandments for those new to the monolift, monolift commandments to heed today as a way to avoid tragedy in the future, and monolift commandments to help get the most out of this amazing piece of powerlifting equipment.
WATCH: Why the elitefts SS Yoke Bar Stands Out Among Other Squat Bars
WATCH: Why the elitefts SS Yoke Bar Stands Out Among Other Squat Bars
The SS Yoke Bar is the only bar that Dave can use week after week and be able to continue squatting. Here’s why.
The Barbell: What It Is and How to Take Good Care of Yours
The Barbell: What It Is and How to Take Good Care of Yours
Good, quality bars are a component of good, quality training. More so than with other pieces of equipment in a gym, lifters tend to develop a personal (sometimes quite emotional) relationship with bars.
A Guide to Buying the Perfect Barbell
A Guide to Buying the Perfect Barbell
Recently I was in the market for another barbell for my home setup, and at the start of this journey I thought all barbells were equal. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
10 Items No Gym Should Be Without
10 Items No Gym Should Be Without
If you want your facility to be capable of producing successful strength athletes, you need the right equipment. Here is my must-have list.
Weapons of Mass Construction
Weapons of Mass Construction
Barbells are the most awesome items in any gym. Check out what these guys use and why.

10 Item(s)