Pro Squat Tip: Perform Eccentrics
Pro Squat Tip: Perform Eccentrics
If you’re new to the squat or lose technique once it gets heavy, train the eccentric to become one with the bar.
WATCH: Table Talk — LeBron James’ Squat
WATCH: Table Talk — LeBron James’ Squat
Too high? Too fast? Too slow? Knees coming in?
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Squat
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Squat
Through this series, we’ll venture from power lift to power lift (beginning with the squat) and finalize the project with a program tune-up. Dr. John Rusin’s overall goal is to get stronger with the help of Dave Tate.
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the Squat
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the Squat
During a recent visit to Akron, Ohio Dave spent some time teaching proper squat technique to the owners and members of Welcome to the PIt.
Bracing and the Hip Hinge
Bracing and the Hip Hinge
When your body is under load, minor mistakes can lead to major problems. Whether you’re an explosive lifter or more of a grinder, learning these techniques will greatly improve your squat.
WATCH: How Does It Feel to Do an 1100-Pound Good Morning?
WATCH: How Does It Feel to Do an 1100-Pound Good Morning?
Steve may be one of the strongest squatters of all time, but it hasn’t stopped him from receiving criticism for his squat style. Are the concerns warranted?
The One Thing Your Glutes Are Missing
The One Thing Your Glutes Are Missing
Let’s take a quick look at some simple biomechanics, and then we will break down the squat so we can rebuild it with an emphasis on generating torque.
Three Quarters of a Century and Still Getting Strong(er)
Three Quarters of a Century and Still Getting Strong(er)
How long will getting stronger continue? At what point, or age, or condition does deterioration begin? Am I racing a clock? Is my time on the platform limited?
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
There are a lot of things we work on with fixing lifters’ squats, let’s start here.
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters  — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
There are two types of squatters: hip squatters and back squatters. The proper way to execute the lift depends on which technique is best for you.
WATCH: How to Teach Athletes to Box Squat
WATCH: How to Teach Athletes to Box Squat
Use this teaching protocol to help your athletes learn the ideal squatting technique and build better athletic performance.
Monster Garage Gym: Tough Love...Friends Don't Let Friends Squat High
Monster Garage Gym: Tough Love...Friends Don't Let Friends Squat High
The truth may not always be what they want to hear, but it’s what they need to hear.

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