LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Steroids Can Damage Long-Term Training Progress
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Steroids Can Damage Long-Term Trai...
Don’t do drugs. Negative side effects and addiction concerns aside, PEDs can really harm athletes’ long-term development and careers. They’re not worth losing the future gains over, we promise.
Mental Considerations for Bodybuilding
Mental Considerations for Bodybuilding
Hear me on this one. If you’re running from your past or managing it in secrecy, bodybuilding isn’t the answer.
Another Supplement Store
Another Supplement Store
I have tried it all, and I will not sit here saying I never spent money on crazy supplements thinking I would make huge gains. Learn from my mistakes.
The S Word — Effects on Mental Illness
The S Word — Effects on Mental Illness
I am going to take a little detour to talk about personal issues I dealt with during this time, how these issues affect me, and if any of these issues were affected by what I was taking.
The S Word — Side Effects and A Higher Dose
The S Word — Side Effects and A Higher Dose
When I took HRT therapy to a new level, my initial ideas began to change. It wasn’t anything like what I had read or heard about.
The S Word — When My Perspective Changed
The S Word — When My Perspective Changed
I can now write about this subject and share how things worked out for me. It has been a journey with more than a few twists and turns.
WATCH: Table Talk — Do Some Training Programs Only Work If You Take Steroids?
WATCH: Table Talk — Do Some Training Programs Only Work If You Take Ster...
I hear lifters say this shit all the time. It’s ludicrous.
New Research Unlocks “Steroid Gene” in Humans
New Research Unlocks “Steroid Gene” in Humans
Scientists have identified a gene which replicates the effects of steroids without the negative repercussions.
Do Steroids Cause Injuries?
Do Steroids Cause Injuries?
Darden takes on a question that many lifters shy away from: what are the real consequences of performance enhancing substances?
Simple Shoulder Training
Simple Shoulder Training
As a professional bodybuilder who has been in the biggest competition in the world, I’ve seen my fair share of gym sessions.
Conclusion: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Conclusion: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on Am...
As a society, we want to witness larger than life events, and this could shape the future of PED use in sports.
Results: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Results: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on Ameri...
Americans pop pills for headaches, energy, sleep, etc. So it’s no surprise that athletes would want pills to help them excel.
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on ...
Whether it be for moral reasons or their dangerous side effects, the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports is considered by many to be a problem.
A Movie Review
A Movie Review
Stevie P. goes Ebert and Roeper.
Under The Bar: Randomness
Under The Bar: Randomness
Sales suck, workload is high and it’s hot and humid outside. Stress? What do you think?
20 Things Everyone Who Lifts Should Know
20 Things Everyone Who Lifts Should Know
Aw shit…it’s another “top 20” or “20 things” list about training. Great.
3 Training Reasons Behind Baseball’s Steroid Problem
3 Training Reasons Behind Baseball’s Steroid Problem
If those guys want to cheat the game and the fans while they destroy their health, then they can suffer the consequences.

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