The Body of Work
The Body of Work
It all comes down to three rules. These three pretty much cover everything, and they can be applied anywhere in life: Education, work, family, anything…
Building The Executive Meathead’s Home Office
Building The Executive Meathead’s Home Office
I wasn’t ready to settle for pick-up golf or calf roping. A busy professional and personal life didn’t keep me from making my most important training decision.
The Powerlifting for Bodybuilding Christmas Gift Guide
The Powerlifting for Bodybuilding Christmas Gift Guide
All that matters is how you look, and if using equipment allows you to train heavier and harder, build more muscle, and ultimately look better, then you should use it! Here are my top-5 powerlifting Christmas gifts for bodybuilders.
The Three Disciplines of Getting Stronger
The Three Disciplines of Getting Stronger
How do you continue to progress as a lifter when life gets tougher, progress is slower, and motivation is lacking?
Stay the Course
Stay the Course
Think about all the things you sucked at the first time you tried them: walking, talking, reading, writing. What if you’d given up on them after a failure or two?
You Are in Hell
You Are in Hell
But the heaven you’re searching for isn’t far away.
Life, Death, and the Clarity of Obsession
Life, Death, and the Clarity of Obsession
Sometimes rather than serving as an escape from real life, our obsessions can become a source of something that everyday life cannot always provide. Here’s how it’s worked for me.
10 Ways to Drive Communication with Youth Athletes
10 Ways to Drive Communication with Youth Athletes
None of these have to do with Prilepin’s chart or buying better equipment, but they might just be what sets you apart from the next trainer, private sector coach, or school coach.
Know Your Motivation
Know Your Motivation
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met who have no time under the bar, no idea of why they’re training, and no vision for their future powerlifting career. Once I started to understand why I lift, I became a better lifter overnight.
'I Need You To Bring Something To The Table' — Training With My Wife
'I Need You To Bring Something To The Table' — Training With M...
We took eight weeks off after what was pretty much a train derailing from the tracks, and someone replaced my wife with some crazy bitch that I don’t recognize.
Not Motivated? Unplug
Not Motivated? Unplug
If you struggle to find motivation and have been training for only a handful of years, I would question your passion for training. If you struggle to find motivation after training for 20 years, I feel ya.
Stop Making It Okay to Just Give Up
Stop Making It Okay to Just Give Up
If you’re still looking for the most important thing to becoming a top athlete, here it is: not letting anyone or anything tell you what was meant to be or what your destiny is.
Approaching the Bar: What Motivates You Before A Heavy Lift?
Approaching the Bar: What Motivates You Before A Heavy Lift?
Do you need ammonia? Loud music? A slap to the back of your head? Your training partners screaming?
The Training Arriving Model
The Training Arriving Model
Understanding where your clients are on the T.A.M spectrum, and where they want to be, is crucial for delivering the best coaching-client experience possible.
A New Kid Under the Bar
A New Kid Under the Bar
Erasing the zoo schedule from the dry-erase board that served us for a 14-week prep was unsettling. Where our training has gone, is miraculous.
You’re Not Hot, You’re Just Old
You’re Not Hot, You’re Just Old
Feeling young and looking young are two entirely separate things.
Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion
Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion
For the next three or four articles, this is our topic: motivation. This first part will explore the construction of meaning, identity, and the origins of motivation.
It's NOT about luck.
It's NOT about luck.
Training Motivation for St Patrick's Day
Heavy Metal Fitness: No Excuses
Heavy Metal Fitness: No Excuses
HEAVY METAL FITNESS is an EliteFTS V.I.P gym and the premier strength training facility in the San Antonio area.
Heavy Metal Fitness: No Excuses
Heavy Metal Fitness: No Excuses
HEAVY METAL FITNESS is an EliteFTS V.I.P gym and the premier strength training facility in the San Antonio area. Outfitted with the most effective training equipment available, and housing ONLY top-notch trainers/coaches- HEAVY METAL provides an environment that breeds success.

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