Birth Control and the Female Athlete
Birth Control and the Female Athlete
Women’s health is being ignored! Birth control is handed out like candy for trivial conditions such as acne. Although you may find some a symptom disappear short-term, remember you’re not fixing anything—you’re just putting a temporary Band-Aid on your health.
Max Effort Modifications for Lifters with Anxiety and/or Depression
Max Effort Modifications for Lifters with Anxiety and/or Depression
Many lifters with anxiety and/or depression find that during or following max effort, their mental health symptoms worsen, and/or their sleep quality and recovery suffer dramatically. These three modifications to max effort work may prevent or lessen some of these issues.
The Monsters on My Shoulder
The Monsters on My Shoulder
I have two monsters perched on my left shoulder, whispering what-ifs and morbid thoughts and suggestions into my ear. No matter what I do, they won’t go away. That’s the most difficult part of having a mental illness.
Mental May — Destroying Demons
Mental May — Destroying Demons
Put on your helmet, fasten your breastplate tight, and with one arm supporting your shield, allow the other to gather your sword. Go to battle with your demons. Win the war every day. Every breath you have is a victory.
Fall Forward
Fall Forward
When you tuck the ball and fall for a yard, and when you get rolling, take three steps forward and get pushed back two, remember: you still fell forward one step.
Mental Health Month: Shattering the Stigma for 70 Years
Mental Health Month: Shattering the Stigma for 70 Years
The merry month of May is Mental Health Month, which was started by Mental Health America in 1949. That means this year, 2019, marks the 70th anniversary of the first-ever Mental Health Month.
It's Time to Stop Calling Suicide Selfish
It's Time to Stop Calling Suicide Selfish
I’ve seen a lot of people call suicide “selfish.” I’m not saying I understand why people kill themselves, but when I’m the compassionate one who has to say maybe people should be a little more understanding, that should say something.
3 Things You'll Find in My Mental Health Toolbox
3 Things You'll Find in My Mental Health Toolbox
Like any other coach, I love talking about training and programming and being in the weight room while coaching. But like many of you, I’ve neglected the thing between my ears, and I want you to know that it’s all right to feel. If your mental health is a weakness, don’t avoid it.
Mental Considerations for Bodybuilding
Mental Considerations for Bodybuilding
Hear me on this one. If you’re running from your past or managing it in secrecy, bodybuilding isn’t the answer.
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
Why do so many people do so well in training but nosedive when it’s time to compete? Two words: Anxiety and self-doubt.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Kava: The Stress-Reducing Drink That Made Its Way to the NFL
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Kava: The Stress-Reducing Drink That M...
After five years in the NFL, Matt Masifilo created a new method of kava production and founded his own company to help support its growth and use. His reasons for believing in the drink are many.
How to Heal Any Injury Overnight
How to Heal Any Injury Overnight
When recovering from a recent hamstring tear, I started using a simple practice that can not only make training more intense, productive, and satisfying, but can also help you handle anything in training — including injury.
The Only Thing You Can Control
The Only Thing You Can Control
There’s a very short list of things you can control and a very long list of things you can’t control. Choose to focus on the right one.
Failure Is Always An Option
Failure Is Always An Option
You may have heard that committing to your goals means eliminating the possibility of failure. The problem? This isn’t realistic. You can’t always win.

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