4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries 
4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries 
You’ll want to include some single-limb work, train in multiple planes of motion, provide alternation and stability, plus soft tissue work!
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
How can we create the damage and nastiness required for a productive leg workout while sparing our backs?
4 Box Programming Issues with Solutions
4 Box Programming Issues with Solutions
Follow these basic tenets of efficient programming to avoid lower back pain, shoulder discomfort, knee stress, and burnout that can potentially take us or our clients out of the game.
Methods to Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
Methods to Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
Now that we have a clear understanding of what posture is and why it is important, we can begin developing a plan to improve it.
Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
As a lifter, and likely someone that sits at a desk a lot, the odds are you spend a lot of time slouching, with tight hip flexors, pecs and biceps, fueling the fire of kyphosis, lordosis, and medial humeral rotation.
Unilateral Movements to Help Heal Nagging Injuries
Unilateral Movements to Help Heal Nagging Injuries
I recently realized I’ve been looking at my back injury the wrong way all along. I needed to simplify the way I was thinking about it.
Body Mechanics 101: Three Things to Help Eliminate Pelvic Tilt
Body Mechanics 101: Three Things to Help Eliminate Pelvic Tilt
After being plagued with injuries for six years, these three things got me back to pushing legs 100% without risk of injury.
A (Battle) Cry for Help
A (Battle) Cry for Help
Is it a bad decision to stop performing lifts that cause an axial load on the spine when the back is injured?
The Mandatory Deload
The Mandatory Deload
My biggest mistake over the last few years was competing too much and training through injuries. Taking time off was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do.
Back to the Belt
Back to the Belt
I thought my back-injury days were over. I thought I would continue to stay healthy if I stretched and visited my chiropractor. I was wrong.
Adjusting Squat Depth to Fit Your Athlete's Needs
Adjusting Squat Depth to Fit Your Athlete's Needs
Preventing lumbar flexion and maintaining a neutral spine will keep your athletes in the game and out of the rehab room.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 4)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 4)
Brian’s plan of action to rebuild a powerful back.
You Ask, We Answer with Dave Tate  (Round 3, Part 4)
You Ask, We Answer with Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 4)
Dave shares some advice that may help you as you work through your injury issues.
Pressing through Back Woes
Pressing through Back Woes
Vincent Dizenzo offers advice on how to modify your training so that you can still work on bench press, even with a back injury.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
Instead of rehabing, think about prehabing. It’s less painful and you certainly won’t regret it, unlike the alternative.

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