5 Essential Items That'll Keep You Warmed Up Without Doing Warm-Ups
5 Essential Items That'll Keep You Warmed Up Without Doing Warm-Ups
It’s winter, it’s cold, and Dave says fuck warm-ups. With these items, you’ll stay warmer than you’ve ever been, in and out of the gym.
Alternate Your Heavy Squats with Belt Squats
Alternate Your Heavy Squats with Belt Squats
Save your back from disc compressions by shifting from heavy squats to belt squats. It’ll help you recover faster, which will give you results faster and with fewer injuries.
Stop Compensating Early
Stop Compensating Early
If you’re new to powerlifting, you don’t need gear. Seriously. Start training raw and see where it takes you. Oh, and if you’re an athlete, I’d better not see you putting on lifting gear.
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
It took me 26 years to develop lower back issues. But over the last 10 years, I’ve learned ways to work around them since becoming a slob is not an option. If you’re looking for ways to train legs without getting hurt (again), this article is for you.
Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric
Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric
In an effort to accomplish the goals of both athlete preparedness and strength, power, and speed development, the Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric can be utilized effectively and specifically to an athlete’s sport.
WATCH: Why Do I Always Wear a Belt?
WATCH: Why Do I Always Wear a Belt?
This question makes me want to bite someone’s head off. But then I remember it’s one of those questions that also requires me to take a step back and reflect on how I got to where I am today. That’s an extremely valid question and one I haven’t answered in many years.
The Powerlifting for Bodybuilding Christmas Gift Guide
The Powerlifting for Bodybuilding Christmas Gift Guide
All that matters is how you look, and if using equipment allows you to train heavier and harder, build more muscle, and ultimately look better, then you should use it! Here are my top-5 powerlifting Christmas gifts for bodybuilders.
25 Tips for a Bigger Raw Deadlift
25 Tips for a Bigger Raw Deadlift
A brutally strong deadlift will never come easily, but that doesn’t mean you need to get fancy.
13 Products for a Mashed-Up Meathead
13 Products for a Mashed-Up Meathead
I’ve had injuries, joint replacements, and years of pain. These items keep me able to train as I can.
Back to the Belt
Back to the Belt
I thought my back-injury days were over. I thought I would continue to stay healthy if I stretched and visited my chiropractor. I was wrong.
Have You Tried Gateway Gear?
Have You Tried Gateway Gear?
C’ mon guys, everybody’s doing it. It won’t hurt you (as long as you use it correctly).
How to Wear a Powerlifting Belt
How to Wear a Powerlifting Belt
This is a great starting place.
Buckle Up to Bench?
Buckle Up to Bench?
Jennifer Petrosino weighs in on strapping on a belt to press.
A Statement of Quality
A Statement of Quality
“After more than 30 years under the bar there is no doubt this is the best belt I have even used” – Dave Tate
All it Takes is Hard Work
All it Takes is Hard Work
Put some quality time in with reps and getting strong(er).
 Virgin Belt Users
Virgin Belt Users
In the market for a new belt? Having a lot of problems using it?

16 Item(s)