A Bodybuilding Diet for Powerlifters: How to Eat to Build Muscle and Get Strong
A Bodybuilding Diet for Powerlifters: How to Eat to Build Muscle and Get...
A few easy dieting strategies can make a big difference in your recovery, strength, and—most of all— how you look.
More Nutrition "Facts" Debunked
More Nutrition "Facts" Debunked
Nothing is bad for us, per se. What we have to do is figure out how much we need, and then supply it in the correct amounts. But to villainize sugar, carbs, fats, and other nutrients is a gross miscarriage of judgment.
Simplify Your Nutrition
Simplify Your Nutrition
There is so much information about nutrition that it can be overwhelming. Rather than getting caught in that swamp, I suggest you stop reading and start dieting with some basic knowledge. I’ll provide the info, but you’ll have to do the rest.
The Art of the Carb
The Art of the Carb
Here are three timing principles that I use with my clients and feel strongly will allow almost anyone to ingest carbs and get leaner.
Pasta Gains New Identity
Pasta Gains New Identity
The deliciousness remains.
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
This is a practical example of exactly what I ate during the sixth week before hitting the contest stage. Why is this important to you? Because it pushes right up to that life sucks and I hate dieting threshold.
Use Carbs to Combat Overtraining
Use Carbs to Combat Overtraining
A new study suggests increasing carbohydrate intake can mitigate the effects of intense training.
Don't Fear the Carbs: Timing, Sources, and Portions for Muscle Building
Don't Fear the Carbs: Timing, Sources, and Portions for Muscle Buil...
Intelligently consume this main energy source as a means to a better bulking season.
Picking The Right Carbs On Your High and Low Days
Picking The Right Carbs On Your High and Low Days
Losing fat and gaining muscle isn’t as simple as low carbs and high carbs. This list will serve as your guide to the best fat-incinerating carbohydrates you need in your diet.
The 6 Best Peri-Workout Nutrition Compilation
The 6 Best Peri-Workout Nutrition Compilation
Peri-workout nutrition experts Justin Harris, Ben Hartman, and Scott Stevenson, give you the insight you need to understand and create your own protocol.
Dieting to Single-Digit Body Fat
Dieting to Single-Digit Body Fat
How I went from chubby powerlifter to shredded bodybuilder.
Does Eating More Frequently Boost My Metabolism?
Does Eating More Frequently Boost My Metabolism?
Reanalyze these four components of food metabolism to customize your food intake.
Nutrition Thoughts on Carb Intake
Nutrition Thoughts on Carb Intake
An interesting analysis of research on the effects of different glycemic index and glycemic load protocols.
Understanding Ketogenic Diets
Understanding Ketogenic Diets
Do we need dietary carbohydrates?
Alexander Cortes Defines Diet Terms
Alexander Cortes Defines Diet Terms
The Lion in Iron gives a lesson in Dieting 101.
Ketogenic Diets for Bulking
Ketogenic Diets for Bulking
Broaden your low-carb dieting horizons.
Seven Juicy Dieting Morsels
Seven Juicy Dieting Morsels
Seven things to consider when going to that dark and lonely place called dieting.
Equivocation, Obliquity, or Prevarication?
Equivocation, Obliquity, or Prevarication?
Find out why Skip got banned from Kroger (and it has nothing to do with an inappropriate toe-tapping incident in the men’s room stalls).
Ten Simple Tips to Get Bigger, Stronger, and Smarter
Ten Simple Tips to Get Bigger, Stronger, and Smarter
Straightforward diet and training fixes approved by Coach X.
All Natural, Unhealthy Whole Grains
All Natural, Unhealthy Whole Grains
How did we get by on just meat, fruit, nuts, seeds, and water?
Carbohydrates is a word that strikes fear in many dieters in America.

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