Five Second Rule or Five Second Myth?
Five Second Rule or Five Second Myth?
Five second rule or five second myth? What does lab testing say about contamination of food after dropping it on the ground for five seconds?
Why Animal Protein May Be Superior to Plant Protein
Why Animal Protein May Be Superior to Plant Protein
Think that animal protein is better than plant protein? Interested in being able to back this up? Read on
The Wingate Test: Dorian Yates Version of Cardio
The Wingate Test: Dorian Yates Version of Cardio
If one were to make a Dorian Yates type of analogy between weightlifting and cardio, what would the cardio look like? Enter the Wingate Test.
Crock Pot vs Pressure Cooker Experiment
Crock Pot vs Pressure Cooker Experiment
Both cook tough cuts of meat, soups, grains and vegetables. Which one should you use?
Cinnamon — Multiple Uses with Multiple Benefits
Cinnamon — Multiple Uses with Multiple Benefits
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Cinnamon Roll Pop Tarts, Red Hots...these count, right?
Organic, Natural, and Grass-fed
Organic, Natural, and Grass-fed
What's the difference?
Rethinking Butter
Rethinking Butter
With the changing views of dietary fat, what does research now say about butter?
A New Standard for Beer
A New Standard for Beer
The big names within the industry have already agreed to the initiative.
Living Past 100
Living Past 100
The big questions: Are some of us are blessed with special anti-aging mechanisms? Do some people simply have less genes which contribute to disease?
Can’t Fall Asleep?
Can’t Fall Asleep?
These 15 strategies can help you.
Drink Your Red Wine
Drink Your Red Wine
Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may protect muscles from a poor diet.
Connectivity Between Neurons Link to Vitality
Connectivity Between Neurons Link to Vitality
The reason these scientists believe this study is valuable, is because they suspect that understanding the way in which these neurons are connected can aid in battling various diseases and disorders.
Introducing Common Food Allergens to Infants Earlier May Protect Against Developing Food Allergies
Introducing Common Food Allergens to Infants Earlier May Protect Against...
What is most interesting about this study is that the results may seem counterintuitive.
Potential Positive Effects of Chocolate on Cognitive Function
Potential Positive Effects of Chocolate on Cognitive Function
The cocoa bean looks similar in appearance to the coffee bean. Like coffee and tea, can chocolate boost cognitive performance?
Ibuprofen Reduces Pain AND Healing Process
Ibuprofen Reduces Pain AND Healing Process
Nsaids can be effective at reducing pain of chronic tendon injuries. However, can they be detrimental to healing in the long run?
7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trusting The Next Health Study
7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trusting The Next Health Study
Harvard School of Public Health provides you with tips to understand health news, clear the confusion, and put things into context.
 Stop the Shrinkage!
Stop the Shrinkage!
Boston University School of Medicine finds relationship between fitness levels and brain volume. This may have implications for anti-aging and preservation of mental capacity during the aging process.
Nutrient Timing vs Content: Mitochondrial Circadian Rhythm
Nutrient Timing vs Content: Mitochondrial Circadian Rhythm
Have we possibly discovered a potential biochemical basis for nutrient timing? Circadian Rhythm may dictate the optimal time in the day for sugar or fat utilization.
New Findings Concerning Soy Protein, Fertility and Your Endocrine System
New Findings Concerning Soy Protein, Fertility and Your Endocrine System
While I am not going to be replacing my post workout steak with soy anytime soon...
Using Height As A Powerful Predictor of Mortality
Using Height As A Powerful Predictor of Mortality
Is height correlated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes? Is it correlated differently with cancer? How do high levels of animal protein play a role in these correlations? Quite a motley crew of researchers explore!
Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does exercising for more time increase energy expenditure? A recent study provides insight.
Get Bigger With Giant Sets
Get Bigger With Giant Sets
Find out if "Giant Sets For Giant Gains" can help you get bigger. Video of Milos Sarcev and Dennis Wolf giant set training video included.
A Brand New Source for Omega 3s
A Brand New Source for Omega 3s
The curious and opportunistic mind of a researcher from the Netherlands may have given us a brand new source of omega 3's for our diet and supplementation. What is most interesting is the potential large return on investments.
Do Strength Gains Equal Size Gains?
Do Strength Gains Equal Size Gains?
Can you get huge without being the strongest guy in the gym? Consider these ten reasons why bodybuilders have larger muscles than powerlifters.
Not Feeling The Gym Today?
Not Feeling The Gym Today?
If you are not feeling up to the task of a workout, should you toughen up and push through it or take it easy?
Boost Mental Power with Apigenin
Boost Mental Power with Apigenin
Find out how consuming herbs can potentially benefit mental ability and brain performance.
After Nearly 100 Years, Arguments Over Vitamins Continue
After Nearly 100 Years, Arguments Over Vitamins Continue
Should we take multivitamins? This article offers a valuable resource consumers of multivitamins can refer to in order to make informed decisions about whether or not to incorporate them into there regime.
Cornell Discusses Whether or Not Junk Food and Sugar are to Blame For Fat Gain
Cornell Discusses Whether or Not Junk Food and Sugar are to Blame For Fa...
What does national data tell us about the link between junk food consumption and body fat? Do healthy people consume less junk food than obese people? A Cornell study reveals something very interesting.
Breast Milk Carbohydrates and Transmission of Obesity
Breast Milk Carbohydrates and Transmission of Obesity
Can carbohydrates found in breast milk be used to predict obesity and health trends of infants as they mature into adulthood?
Are the Claims True About Skipping Breakfast and Weight Gain?
Are the Claims True About Skipping Breakfast and Weight Gain?
Will skipping breakfast make you gain weight? The opinions in this video offer enlightening insight. Maybe skipping breakfast is not so bad after all?
Vince Gironda: 8x8 Routine
Vince Gironda: 8x8 Routine
Build muscle density as a result of implementing this radical training system.
Dr. Berardi’s 5 Signs of Sane and Healthy Nutrition
Dr. Berardi’s 5 Signs of Sane and Healthy Nutrition
The list may look generic on the surface, however, the explanation of each point is really worth looking at!
Should Humans Be Snacking?
Should Humans Be Snacking?
This is an interesting look breaking down and questioning some of the evidence used for snacking? It is widely recommended and has potential to impact our metabolism and hormones.
Puerto Rico Considers Labeling Child Obesity as Child Abuse
Puerto Rico Considers Labeling Child Obesity as Child Abuse
For parents of obese children, should there be incentive or penalty to encourage change?
Is Chocolate a Super Food?
Is Chocolate a Super Food?
Chocolate is considered by some a guilty pleasure and is associated with many negatives including obesity, acne and diabetes. Could it be that the benefits outweigh the negatives when consumed in moderation?
Genetic Mutations Found Which May Help Inuit Adapt to High Fat Diet and Cold
Genetic Mutations Found Which May Help Inuit Adapt to High Fat Diet and ...
What the Inuit can tell us about omega-3 fats and ‘paleo’ diets.
4 Secrets of Soviet Weightlifting
4 Secrets of Soviet Weightlifting
Principles behind training variables that helped Soviet strength athletes achieve success and longevity.
Diet Manipulation Strategies From Team elitefts
Diet Manipulation Strategies From Team elitefts
I dug deep into the archives of elitefts nutrition articles and compiled the six best pieces of work to help you on your way to a bigger and leaner physique.
Clean Energy with Yerba Mate
Clean Energy with Yerba Mate
This tea may be something you'll consider sipping.
Coffee Compounds With Anti-Cancer Activity
Coffee Compounds With Anti-Cancer Activity
Have you ever considered the difference between filtered and unfiltered coffee? One kind contains the anti-cancer compounds cafestol and kahweol.
Government Policy Guidelines and Dietary Fat
Government Policy Guidelines and Dietary Fat
Is it time for government policy on dietary fat to change?
Harvard School of Public Health Chimes in on Coffee: Good or Bad?
Harvard School of Public Health Chimes in on Coffee: Good or Bad?
Harvard School of Public Health offers their perspective on coffee consumption. Find out whether they believe coffee is harmful or beneficial.
Does A Diet Rich in Variety Yield A Healthier Gut?
Does A Diet Rich in Variety Yield A Healthier Gut?
What is a possible scientific basis for being told to include variety in the diet?
Bulgarian Squat Variation and Spider Bar Squat
Bulgarian Squat Variation and Spider Bar Squat
This is a great video if you are looking for new leg movements and want to shake things up.
Paleo Pros, Cons, and Evolutionary Validity
Paleo Pros, Cons, and Evolutionary Validity
Find out the pros and the cons of paleo dieting. Does evolutionary evidence really support paleo? Is it still a good diet?
German Volume Training: Bridging the Gap between Weightlifting and Sprinting
German Volume Training: Bridging the Gap between Weightlifting and Sprin...
German Volume Training can be a great change of pace to target stubborn muscle fibers through large doses of volume.
Regular Cardio Will Make You Fat?
Regular Cardio Will Make You Fat?
Determine which type of cardio is optimal for you.
L-Theanine in Green Tea
L-Theanine in Green Tea
Perhaps L-Theanine is one component of green tea which can account for how the beverage is different than coffee.
4 Reasons to Reconsider Eating Vegetables
4 Reasons to Reconsider Eating Vegetables
I despise vegetables, and I am trying to reconsider including them into my life. Here are some reasons you should, too.
Harvard Biomechanics Lab Supports Barefoot Running
Harvard Biomechanics Lab Supports Barefoot Running
If humans are evolved to run barefoot, then does it stand to reason humans are evolved to lift barefoot?
The Importance of Muscle Glycogen for Anabolism
The Importance of Muscle Glycogen for Anabolism
Why are carbohydrate intake and muscle glycogen levels important when attempting to promote anabolism within muscle?

53 Item(s)