The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The greatest powerlifter of all time has learned a thing or two about how to be the best in the world. He approaches life the same way.
The 7 Pillars of Leadership
The 7 Pillars of Leadership
It took time and a whole lot of failures for me to learn these core principles of leading others. But they are what helped me grow my business to over 160 members and a team of four others working alongside me… which brings me to these 7 lessons of leadership.
66 Lessons for Freedom, Happiness, and Physical Excellence
66 Lessons for Freedom, Happiness, and Physical Excellence
I recently wrote down things I’ve learned that helped me change my life, and I hope this list of those lessons helps you break through whatever you feel is holding you back and achieve optimal health, wellness, strength, success, freedom, and happiness.
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
With a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, a master’s degree, and a doctorate in the works, you think I’d be smart about how I trained. Well, think again! I’ve spent most of my life training like an idiot. Don’t make the mistakes I did. Learn from them.
These Four Walls
These Four Walls
Recording a podcast episode with my mentor (and cousin) John Alvino made me reflect on the pivotal role training has played in my life. Quite frankly, without it, I don’t know where I’d be. Inside these four walls, training has been my therapy, my drug, and my anchor.
Advice for High School Linemen
Advice for High School Linemen
I’ve made a lot of mistakes when I was younger, and I believe it’s part of a coach’s job to pass on the knowledge and experiences I have gained from my own athletic career, such as never being average, striving for perfection, and detailing everything.
Under the Baa-r: Lessons Learned in Herding, From Me to Ewe
Under the Baa-r: Lessons Learned in Herding, From Me to Ewe
In a week, my girlfriend and I went from the APF Women’s Pro-Am in Cincinnati to taking our dog an Intro to Herding Class in Nova, Ohio. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I learned a lot about dogs, sports, and life in general.
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and learn from your failures and mistakes. Be willing to learn, and maybe more importantly, be willing to be wrong. Now go and pass that along.
Top 5 Lessons I've Learned as a Coach
Top 5 Lessons I've Learned as a Coach
I’ve been really blessed to be around some great leaders who taught me these lessons. I wouldn’t be the man and coach I am today without them.
A Strength Coach's Lesson in Delegation
A Strength Coach's Lesson in Delegation
If you don’t trust your staff, you’ll try to do everything yourself. If you try to do everything yourself, you will fail. Break the cycle.
Do It: Interns
Do It: Interns
Whether you are an intern or a coach who is advising interns…consider these points from the men who have been there.
Teach Our Boys to Be Men
Teach Our Boys to Be Men
We want to protect our kids, but we are beginning to take it too far.
By the Coach for the Coach: Lessons Learned
By the Coach for the Coach: Lessons Learned
One’s coaching philosophy and training strategy is shaped by more than personal preference…it is molded by one’s thoughts, experiences, and lessons.
The Three Teachers
The Three Teachers
There were once three immortal teachers named Failure, Mistake, and Consequence.
10 + 1 Tips for Strength Coaches
10 + 1 Tips for Strength Coaches
Having worked my way through the ranks to be a collegiate strength coach, I’ve picked up a few things that other coaches can use to improve their own careers.
Mistakes Made and Truths about Strength Learned
Mistakes Made and Truths about Strength Learned
In my pursuit to become one of the best powerlifters in the world and get everything I could out of my body, I learned enormous amounts of training and strength information.
Three Lessons I’ve Learned as a Beginner Strength Coach/Trainer
Three Lessons I’ve Learned as a Beginner Strength Coach/Trainer
Jay shares the top three things he has learned breaking into the strength and fitness world.

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