Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Meet two love birds, Aaron and Kelly Grosos, and learn how they make it work as competitive powerlifters.
5 Ways to Find a Healthy Balance Between Bodybuilding and Family
5 Ways to Find a Healthy Balance Between Bodybuilding and Family
Contrary to what some people may tell you, it IS possible to balance between bodybuilding and your family. It takes work, and I’ve done the work. These 5 steps might not save your marriage, but they’re certainly worth trying.
Defining the Core Values of Garden Fresh Foods
Defining the Core Values of Garden Fresh Foods
I began defining the core values of Garden Fresh Foods, the company I run with several fantastic managers and my wife, Christina. The process proved challenging and eye-opening with a multitude of cross-over applications to my bodybuilding career.
Till Bodybuilding Do Us Part
Till Bodybuilding Do Us Part
As a bodybuilder with a regular job, you can find yourself away from home 10-12 hours a day, which includes commute, work, and gym time. As a husband and father, this typically doesn’t go over too well. Here’s what I do to keep my wife from wanting to divorce me.
Who Defines You?
Who Defines You?
In this interview with Mark Dugdale, we discuss the mental side of training and competing, along with the various challenges that we meet when life, training, family, work, and all of the other areas of our lives intersect.
Overcoming Blind Spots
Overcoming Blind Spots
It requires humility—real humility—to admit that you have blind spots in life and training. But merely recognizing them isn’t enough to get past them.
Married to a Bodybuilder: Three Women Share Their Support Role Perspectives
Married to a Bodybuilder: Three Women Share Their Support Role Perspecti...
Being married to a physique sport competitor isn’t easy. I want this article to provide some authentic insight from the real pillars of strength: the women who play the support role.
The Danger of Disposability
The Danger of Disposability
I’ve recently noticed culture embracing the idea of disposability at an ever-increasing measure. Quick, convenient, and disposable may lead to instant gratification, but I fear there are long-lasting consequences.
Pausing to Remember 20 Years
Pausing to Remember 20 Years
Our 20th wedding anniversary coincided with the end of a 13-month stretch of time that included eight bodybuilding competitions. It’s no surprise that Christina was experiencing angst for vacation.
The Phases of Life
The Phases of Life
It sounds cliché, but the older you get, the faster time seems to slip away. We really never seem to take the time to appreciate our journey until we realize it’s more than half over already and it feels like we’re just getting started.
Do You Have a Fat Slob for a Wife?
Do You Have a Fat Slob for a Wife?
I’ve been married for 23 years and have had a wife fluctuate from one extreme to another. Just hear me out.
Passion vs Zeal — Reconsidering What Matters Most
Passion vs Zeal — Reconsidering What Matters Most
If passion most closely relates to desire, then zeal implies action. I often say I’m passionate about training, but in reality I possess more of a zeal for the iron.
Defending Margins
Defending Margins
You might think I’m talking about business. I’m not. I’m talking about something much more important.
Broken Idols
Broken Idols
Be careful who you place on a pedestal. The ramifications may leave you highly devastated.
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
It’s not going to be easy to accomplish your goals. When your will to achieve starts to fade, what will you do?
Being A Garage Lifter
Being A Garage Lifter
Training changed my life, but it was elitefts that taught me how to do it correctly. I’m a garage lifter, and I’m happy to be.
Masculinity and the Growth of a Man
Masculinity and the Growth of a Man
Possessing a penis doesn’t make you a man.
Marriage and Muscle
Marriage and Muscle
How I balance love and life to stay engaged in the things that matter.
The Beheading of the Angry Troll
The Beheading of the Angry Troll
So ends the same ole tale of three dudes who screamed never ever will we marry.
Chad Aichs: Insomnia and Marriage
Chad Aichs: Insomnia and Marriage
The best way to predict your future is to create it.

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