Your Nutritional Plan for Meet Day
Your Nutritional Plan for Meet Day
You’ve done the work thus far to demonstrate your strength on the platform. Don’t ruin it with poor food choices come meet day.
4 Ways to Mentally Master Your Meet Performance
4 Ways to Mentally Master Your Meet Performance
I’ve learned how to frame my meets so they are a positive and successful experience— no longer do I drink and cry (afterward). From goal setting to learning from mistakes to gaining some perspective, I hope a few of these tips help you.
My Bittersweet 2016 WPC Worlds
My Bittersweet 2016 WPC Worlds
One day you can have the best day of your life and the next day could be your worst. This week included both for me.
Boss of Bosses 3 — A Failed Water Cut, The Setback, Meet Day, What's Next
Boss of Bosses 3 — A Failed Water Cut, The Setback, Meet Day, What'...
This weekend I cried more tears than I thought were possible. It was emotional, the entire thing, from start to finish. But, it’s something I had to do, for me.
IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet
IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet
After three injuries in a half a year, I was pissed. I was depressed. I was dumbfounded. But I found my way back, hitting a PR total for my first single-ply meet.
5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip
5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip
Three days before my heaviest deadlift of the meet training program and I couldn’t even bend down to grab the bar. Here are the techniques I used to mitigate my issues and make it to Boss of Bosses 3.
RUM9 Meet Report: Finding My Identity on the Platform
RUM9 Meet Report: Finding My Identity on the Platform
RUM9 is the first meet I stepped onto the platform as an individual with a secure sense of identity as both a PT and athlete. Feelsy meet recap incoming.
How the Mighty Fall: Pride Comes First
How the Mighty Fall: Pride Comes First
Illness didn’t stop me from competing, and dropping 525 pounds on my chest didn’t stop me from finishing the meet. But later that night, I realized I was in more serious pain than it seemed at first.
Ka-BOOM! A Learning Experience in Failure and Bombing
Ka-BOOM! A Learning Experience in Failure and Bombing
When faced with failure you have two options: sit down and quit or push harder. Several weeks ago I found myself in this predicament.
 15 Dumb Things Powerlifters Must Stop Doing
15 Dumb Things Powerlifters Must Stop Doing
You’re guilty of at least one of these things. Don’t be a shithead. Stop.

10 Item(s)