The Power of Perception
The Power of Perception
These studies give you some tools to use before your next training session or race to increase performance.
What Makes Athletes Great
What Makes Athletes Great
The ease and comfort of your couch and air-conditioned home will always be calling your name. Ignore the temptation for an easy life.
3 Questions to Ask Your Client BEFORE Their Next Diet
3 Questions to Ask Your Client BEFORE Their Next Diet
As a coach, this is a tough spot to be in because you may have to tell a prospective client, “You’re not ready to diet.” Here’s what to ask.
The Role of a Strength Coach
The Role of a Strength Coach
Let’s look at some of the jobs a strength coach can and should be responsible for.
Improve Endurance and Strength Simultaneously
Improve Endurance and Strength Simultaneously
New research on concurrent training gives us more insight into how to set up our programming considering nutrition, blood flow restriction, and VO2 max.
The Misuse of Post-Activation Potentiation and Pre-Exhaust in Powerlifting
The Misuse of Post-Activation Potentiation and Pre-Exhaust in Powerlifting
What does the literature tell us about using exercise before the main work we want to improve that day? It tells us A LOT.
Do Plyometrics Make Athletes Stronger?
Do Plyometrics Make Athletes Stronger?
It depends. Here’s what the studies are suggesting.
Sticking Point Breakdown for a Bigger Bench Press
Sticking Point Breakdown for a Bigger Bench Press
There’s no way to put up impressive numbers if you can’t get the bar off your chest or you’re stalling halfway. Let’s get back to some bench press basics.
Building Big Legs for the Strength Athlete
Building Big Legs for the Strength Athlete
What exercises allow you to produce as much output as possible? What exercises and will allow you to target the muscles you want to hit and push things to failure while minimizing the risk of injury?
3 Major Principles of Weight Loss
3 Major Principles of Weight Loss
Don’t start at 60 minutes a day on the stair stepper. It’s not about losing as much weight as soon as possible. Remember, it is very hard to gain muscle so we don’t want to be too aggressive with our weight loss and sacrifice the hard-earned muscle we have.
Top 5 Ways to Grow This Off-Season
Top 5 Ways to Grow This Off-Season
Off-season doesn’t have to mean a lack of muscle gains. With these five tips, you can keep up your progress without feeling like it’s time to coast.
Caffeine for Strength Athletes
Caffeine for Strength Athletes
Considering all of the good stuff, why wouldn’t a strength athlete consume caffeine day in and day out?
How to Set Up a Successful Meet Prep
How to Set Up a Successful Meet Prep
The harder you work and push yourself in your off-season, the better and more productive your competitive season will be.
Creating the Perfect Warm-Up
Creating the Perfect Warm-Up
We value warming up before lifting or any exercise, but we don’t really think much about how to structure a warm-up. This article will help solve just that with a comprehensive review of the literature on approaches to warming up.
15-Week Peak Program Using RPE
15-Week Peak Program Using RPE
RPE training is great at helping you learn about your body on a daily level and what you can and cannot handle. Plus, you don’t have to worry about percentages, which is a bonus if you’re a powerlifter who isn’t all about doing extra math.
Improve Your Recovery with These 5 Things
Improve Your Recovery with These 5 Things
If it is not important to incorporate recovery modalities, why on earth am I doing an article on my top five ways to improve recovery? Because they don’t work, but these 5 simple things you can dial in and focus on will work.
What A Powerlifter Can Learn From An IFBB Pro
What A Powerlifter Can Learn From An IFBB Pro
As strength athletes, we care only about lifting the weight from Point A to Point B, but from a bodybuilding perspective, that is dead wrong, but how does that translate to powerlifting? The idea is to challenge the muscle — not just focus on completing reps and sets.
Simplify Your Nutrition
Simplify Your Nutrition
There is so much information about nutrition that it can be overwhelming. Rather than getting caught in that swamp, I suggest you stop reading and start dieting with some basic knowledge. I’ll provide the info, but you’ll have to do the rest.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Training for the US Marines
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Training for the US Marines
Unless you’re trying to become a Special Forces operator, don’t sweat it too much. The biggest training you’ll have to do is in your brain. Stay strong, and you can survive boot camp.
elitefts Honors the Fallen on Memorial Day
elitefts Honors the Fallen on Memorial Day
As we remember the fallen soldiers and those they've left behind, we're going back in time and revisiting the history of Memorial Day.
How to Build a Mesocycle
How to Build a Mesocycle
Training is like traveling; you have to map out the route you want to take in the timeframe you have. For training, planning your mesocycle is a good place to start that journey — you have to understand the basic principle of progressive overload and take your maximum ability to recover into consideration.
Introducing New Team elitefts Coach and Columnist Tony Montgomery
Introducing New Team elitefts Coach and Columnist Tony Montgomery
elitefts has “given me my life that I have now.” As a coach and columnist, Tony Montgomery will continue to live, learn, and pass on the passion that got him doing what he does now to others. Welcome to the team, Tony.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate announces a new member of Team elitefts: Tony Montgomery. They talk about training for the U.S. Marines, running gyms, furthering education, and more.
Strength Union: Building A Unified, Empowered Strength Community
Strength Union: Building A Unified, Empowered Strength Community
A union operates to give a group of individuals one voice, empowering them to lead in the right direction. This fully-equipped facility aims to provide exactly that for each of its members as they become the strongest versions of themselves.
How to Naturally Manipulate Insulin to Improve Body Composition and Performance
How to Naturally Manipulate Insulin to Improve Body Composition and Perf...
This is a highly effective tool when trying to gain new muscle and recover from tough workouts…but only if used appropriately.
How to Cut Weight Without Ruining Your Meet
How to Cut Weight Without Ruining Your Meet
If you’re going to cut weight, you need to control your body’s response to food and water. Use these reliable methods to make your class without hurting meet day performance.
Recovery Work for Increased Growth and Performance
Recovery Work for Increased Growth and Performance
When your progress slows and your body breaks down beyond repair, it’s time to reexamine your recovery and restoration protocol. Is it doing what it should?
Strength-Power Potentiating Complexes
Strength-Power Potentiating Complexes
I’ve found a great way to increase your athletes’ verticals and explosive power through strength-power potentiating complexes.
Interview with Dr. Patrick Jacobs
Interview with Dr. Patrick Jacobs
Tony interviews Florida Atlantic University professor, Dr. Jacobs.
Top Six Ways to Increase Your Sprint Speed
Top Six Ways to Increase Your Sprint Speed
If your athlete is running with his arms swinging from side to side, he is suffering from teenage kid syndrome.

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