Training the Youth Athlete
Training the Youth Athlete
Youth athletes need more attention and individualization than typical athletes. Use these tips to help them thrive during their development so they can crush it in their prime.
Understanding How To Utilize PRI With Youth Athletes
Understanding How To Utilize PRI With Youth Athletes
The Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI) course I took helped me understand body position optimization so much. I immediately saw how I could use this to help benefit my athletes and clients (and hopefully, I can help you help your clients and athletes).
A Strength and Conditioning Program for Youth Swimming
A Strength and Conditioning Program for Youth Swimming
As with training any new client, there is a trial and error process to see what is effective and what isn’t. In this case, the training system I have put in place for my swimmers has supported them in breaking multiple national records in various events.
Resistance Training for Youth Lacrosse Athletes
Resistance Training for Youth Lacrosse Athletes
I introduced my daughter to resistance training a couple of years ago. This August, we ramped up the training with two weekly sessions and speed training. This article details some excerpts from the resistance training portion of our program.
The Importance of Recovery for Youth Athletes
The Importance of Recovery for Youth Athletes
To all teenage high school athletes, you must learn to respect and take care of your body if you expect to have a long career in any sport. I cannot tell you how many talented individuals I’ve seen who were never able to live up to their potential due to injury.
Strength Training for Youth Athletes — The Youth Physical Development Model in Early Sport Specialization
Strength Training for Youth Athletes — The Youth Physical Development Mo...
Neuromuscular training can be implemented early in the youth physical development process, but age-appropriate speed and strength training must account for the process of growth and maturation, motor learning, and physical development.
10 Ways to Drive Communication with Youth Athletes
10 Ways to Drive Communication with Youth Athletes
None of these have to do with Prilepin’s chart or buying better equipment, but they might just be what sets you apart from the next trainer, private sector coach, or school coach.
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Parents often don’t realize that some of the popular programs out there look cool but are the equivalent of going from first grade to 12th grade in a week. The best program is the one your athlete is ready for.
Mitigating ADHD in Athletics
Mitigating ADHD in Athletics
To improve the lives of those with ADHD and those interacting with these individuals, we must better educate the teachers, coaches, and mentors.
What Not To Do — Parenting Youth Athletes
What Not To Do — Parenting Youth Athletes
As a parent, there are four things you need to do to ensure your child both enjoys the experience of athletics and excels at playing the game.
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
This sample one-week program outlines training tactics for developing basic fundamental movement skills.
A Case for 1x20 Training
A Case for 1x20 Training
In essence, this is the perfect system for youth athletes.
Wake Up, Parents!
Wake Up, Parents!
“No one ever got better at hockey by bowling.”
The Creatine Facts
The Creatine Facts
One of the longest standing controversies in the world of health, fitness, and athletic performance is whether or not one should take creatine.
What Coaching Youth Athletes is Really About
What Coaching Youth Athletes is Really About
Know your athletes, care about their success, and do things right!
Goal Setting for Young Athletes
Goal Setting for Young Athletes
Back in high school, the most asked question for anyone who had access to iron was, “how much can you bench?”

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