Here is a collection of podcast interviews with 3 of the top professionals in terms of leadership and mental conditioning.

1. Simon Sinek's Leadership Lessons

When I was the Director of Education at Elitefts, Dave Tate emailed the entire staff a link to a TED Talk. The speaker at this TED Talk turned out to be one of my favorite  guests on the Sports Performance Podcast. Anyone who has worked at elitefts knows that Dave never wants to waste anyone's time with overly cliché, pseudo-motivational material that will not help the company or align with the core -values. After watching Simon Sinek talk about The Golden Circle, I realized his presentation summed up the core infrastructure of the values of the company to a T.

There aren't a lot of things I read or listen to that truly impact my life. It is difficult to find the message that sincerely alters the way I think and perceive my environment in a more positive light. Simon Sinek is one of the few whose core concepts and beliefs resonate with such a vast majority. Leadership is a skill necessary for any team or business. Sinek has preached and lived by the selfless habits of what true leadership is, and we all can benefit.

Topics Covered in this Podcast

  1. The Golden Circle for Coaches
  2. Urgent at the Expense of the Important
  3. How to Undersell and Over-Deliver When Getting Hired as a Coach
  4. Why Chip Kelly May Be onto Something
  5. Why People Believed in Martin Luther King Jr.
  6. Leadership is a Skill and a Practice
  7. Why Leaders Eat Last
  8. Coaches Set the Tone for Any Team
  9. Pitfalls as a Business Owner
  10. The Three Most Important Aspects of Presenting


 Read the original article here.

2. Peak Performance Podcast with Brian Cain

If you go to a conference and take away a few things from each presentation that you attend, consider it a success. Most often when coaches attend conferences or clinics one of two positive outcomes happen:

  1. The presenter validates some of the same concepts or coaching philosophy the attending coach has developed over the years.
  2. The presenter provides an alternative point of view or an new way of teaching or progressing an already present methodology in the attending coach's program.

Both of these scenarios are positive and fairly common. Most often, the presentations aren't life changing, as least for me. This had been the case at almost every conference I have attended..with the exception of when I saw Brian Cain present at the 2012 CSCCa Conference.

When I walked in a few minutes late (this isn't a surprise to those who know me) to the conference in Orlando, Florida, Cain was talking about Roger Bannister, showing highlights of George St. Pierre, and making the entire meathead coaching crowd perform "two claps" periodically. I honestly thought it was a little too "salesy" and light on substance. Then I really started to listen. It seemed Cain was speaking directly to me, mostly about attitude and perspective. He shared two ideas I drastically needed for a make-over in my professional life. Cain told story after story and all of it forced me to look inside myself and realize that the unhappiness I had experienced in my career was mostly self-imposed. In between convincing Zach Dechant of TCU to eat fire (seriously) and Amber Walls of Baylor break a board with her head (again, seriously), I realized that the diseases, deadly words, and negative perspectives were all things that I could control. Simple changes in dialogue shifted my perspective and I started to understand that my thoughts controlled my perspective. Because of this, I started living proactively. Brian Cain was the reason I got to the place I had been working to get to — I just didn't have the directions before then. The following is an interview where I ask Brain to expand on some of the key concepts that helped me as a coach and a man:

Topics Covered in this Podcast

  1. How Brian Cain has helped me as a coach
  2. How Brian got into the mental conditioning game
  3. Why mental conditioning and not sport psychology
  4. The Four Rs x 2
  5. Process over outcome
  6. Function over feelings
  7. Run to Roar
  8. Ten deadliest words
  9. Change "have to" to "want to" to "get to"
  10. Compared to what?
  11. How people can get a hold of Brian

Read the original article here.

Transforming your Habits with James Clear

When James Clear walked into the Denison University varsity weight room in the Fall of 2006 as an unassuming, lanky, pitcher on the Big Red Baseball team.  Little did I know at that point that he would become a huge influence on my professional career. Over the next several years, I did my best to have a similar influence on him.

It didn't take long for me to realize James' tenacious work ethic, maturity, and his tremendous leadership potential. James outworked and out-willed everyone he could on the diamond, in the weight room, and in the classroom. He was able to create his own major at one of the highest academic institutions in the country and became one of my most trusted resources in terms of training.

James Clear is the epitome of an entrepreneur who has become who he is by helping others. His words will resonate with anyone trying to better themselves and the people around them. Saying I am proud of James is a huge understatement.

Topics in this Interview

  1. What really drives success
  2. Transforming your habits
  3. Changing behavior
  4. Designing your environment for success
  5. Creating a personal annual review
  6. Repetition versus striving for perfection
  7. Dealing with criticism
  8. One thing successful people do

 Read the original article here.

Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast on iTunes


Articles by Mark Watts

Olympic Lifting for Athletes: Using Static Holds to Improve Technique

Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions

The Fastest Sport on Ice: Things You Don't Know About Bobsled

Tips to Crush the Combine Tests

An In-Season Training Guide for Baseball Pitchers

Individual Training in a Team Setting

Off-Season Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)

What is Really Wrong with Strength and Conditioning

How Do You Get Athletes Fast?

The Last Sports Performance Podcast

Olympic Lifting for Athletic Performance

Sports Performance Coach Education Series

WATCH: How to Find a Strength and Conditioning Job

WATCH: Becoming a Mentor to Young Coaches

WATCH: The Four-Step Coaching Process

WATCH: 5 Strategies to Perform More Work in Less Time

WATCH: Why Communication is Key to a Better Coaching Career

WATCH: A Better Way to Train High School Athletes

WATCH: How to Implement Auto-Regulatory Training in a Team Setting

WATCH: Pre-Workout Circuits to Optimize Training Time and Maximize Performance

WATCH: Hypertrophy Circuits for Athletes in a Team Setting

Coaches Clinics 

WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy

WATCH: Two Lateral Speed Drills with Bands to Improve Change of Direction

WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training

WATCH: Basic Linear Speed Acceleration Drills in a Team Setting

WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports

 Mark Watts' Articles and Coaching Log



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