Why Powerlifters Should Front Squat
Why Powerlifters Should Front Squat
What moves 600 pounds, won’t necessarily move 700 pounds. Reassessing my situation, I realized my thoracic extensors were weak.
How to Squat for Strong(wo)man
How to Squat for Strong(wo)man
Even though squatting is rare in the lower levels of strong(wo)man competitions, I believe it’s something we still need to work on as an accessory movement. Grab some of your elitefts specialty bars, and I’ll show you the ropes.
Start Here Before You Clean
Start Here Before You Clean
A lot of individuals take what’s arguably the most highly coordinated regimen you can perform in the weight room and start individuals doing it day 1. At the collegiate level, these are the movements I make sure that my athletes can do before they are allowed to perform a proper clean motion.
WATCH: The Strength Coach Development Center — Squat Progression
WATCH: The Strength Coach Development Center — Squat Progression
For any exercise, you need to know the proper progressions and regressions. Here is a simple squat progression you can implement with your athletes today.
Finding Strength: Why Your Log Press Sucks with Zydrunas Savickas
Finding Strength: Why Your Log Press Sucks with Zydrunas Savickas
If I had to pick the three most common mistakes I’ve witnessed in the last 10 years of seeing lifters miss with the log, here they are, with a video of Zydrunas Savickas coaching the movement.
Cambered Bar Box Front Squat
Cambered Bar Box Front Squat
The Rackable Cambered Squat Bar is an incredibly valuable piece of equipment to have in any gym. Check out this killer movement and take your squats and deadlifts to new limits!
WATCH: Exercises to Build a Impact Crater-Making Deadlift
WATCH: Exercises to Build a Impact Crater-Making Deadlift
Unconventional movements to boost pulling power.
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
With attention to detail, effort, and intelligent progressions, Olympic lifts can be both enjoyable and highly effective in developing a range of physical qualities.
So You Think You Can Front Squat? (Part 2)
So You Think You Can Front Squat? (Part 2)
In our second of three on this series, we focus on the executing of the front squat, particularly form and technique.
Killer Front Squat Finisher
Killer Front Squat Finisher
Two of the best reasons to keep a workout log and look back at it is that you can find trends in your programming and fondly recall memorable workouts.
Front Squat Extended Set
Front Squat Extended Set
John Meadows performs an extended set on the Front Squat
The Best Exercises You Aren't Doing for Your Back
The Best Exercises You Aren't Doing for Your Back
I remember seeing a poster once that read simply, “The back is to lifters what the biceps are to bodybuilders.”
Front Squat
Hannah with front squats at 95lbs.
5 Front Squat Advantages
5 Front Squat Advantages
Here are five advantages front squats have over regular squats.
Leverage Front Squat
Leverage Front Squat
You can load these up quite heavy and this is a great way to not have to worry about balancing a barbell in front of you in an awkward
Sandbag Front Squat
Sandbag Front Squat
This is an excellent movement for the legs AND upper body. The weight sits on your hands as if you were about to perform a military press with palms up.
Cable Front Squat
Cable Front Squat
This is one of the movements that to be honest with you we just said “what the hell try this” and did it.

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