A Non-Steroid Bulk for Strength and Size
A Non-Steroid Bulk for Strength and Size
I gained 63 pounds of muscle in my first year of lifting and 30 pounds in my second year. Soon after I had 19 ½” biceps. Here’s how.
The Best of 2020
The Best of 2020
The best-of-the-best content from 2020 all in one spot. Read our top articles, programs, and coaching logs! Watch our most-viewed YouTube videos! Check out our most popular products!
Get Your Powerlifting FastPass
Get Your Powerlifting FastPass
Unlike amusement parks, this FastPass isn’t something you buy with your credit card. This transaction takes effort and time, but when you make the choice, it’ll greatly improve your lifts and ranking,
The Best of the Best Content From July
The Best of the Best Content From July
Sifting through Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, coaching logs, and articles, here’s the best!
How to Gain 65 Pounds of Muscle in Two Months
How to Gain 65 Pounds of Muscle in Two Months
Based on my brief observations of the garage training crew (and conversations with my son), these are a few of their Keys to Progress. These macro components (“the Keys”) have contributed to their above-average gains in size and strength.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate, Joe Sullivan, and Janis Finkelman talk about a variety of powerlifting topics and answer questions, both bizarre and mundane, and more.
Skinny and Weak? Here Are the Top 5 Things You’re Doing Wrong
Skinny and Weak? Here Are the Top 5 Things You’re Doing Wrong
I’ve made a career out of helping genetically average dudes pack on lean muscle and strength, and combat the dreaded “skinny fat” look. After working with so many guys who face similar frustrations, I was able to narrow down this list down to five mistakes.
27 Reasons to Be Big
27 Reasons to Be Big
This one still makes us laugh. Funny how some things change while others stay the same. Enjoy…
6 Big Boy Season Must-Haves
6 Big Boy Season Must-Haves
I was 417 at my biggest, and very ill-informed about my strength. Powerlifting seems to have a general acceptance of “bigger” meaning “stronger,” but bigger isn’t always better.
Rules for the Hard Gainer, Part Two — Six New Steps to Packing on Mass
Rules for the Hard Gainer, Part Two — Six New Steps to Packing on Mass
If you’ve mastered and are continuing to follow the eight rules from part one of this series, I want to show you exactly how you can create an even better program that will pack mass on any true hard gainer out there.
Throw Away the Calorie Calculator — A Better Way to Manage Caloric Intake
Throw Away the Calorie Calculator — A Better Way to Manage Caloric Intake
Within this article I am going to share my goal-based methods for assessing caloric needs, macronutrient ratios, and training protocols for my clients.
Meet Report: UPA Summer Showdown 2017 at Old School Iron
Meet Report: UPA Summer Showdown 2017 at Old School Iron
At the beginning of this year I lost 60 pounds in less than eight weeks. I couldn’t stand longer than a few minutes because I was so tired. I couldn’t go up or down stairs without losing my breath. It was humbling, to say the least.
Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Given the advantage of hindsight and the progress I enjoyed during a productive six month off-season, it’s time to share the most valuable lessons from placing all my efforts on getting big without letting my physique get sloppy.
 Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Personality: The Social Media Conundrum
Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Personality: The Social Media Conundrum
I want to discuss what to look for when searching for accurate fitness and health resources, and even more importantly, what red flags to look out for.
Gas Station Gains — High Calorie, Low Effort
Gas Station Gains — High Calorie, Low Effort
Yes, you read that right. If you you want to get big quick, you’re not going to do it with broccoli and egg whites. It’s time get to dirty.
I Wanna Get Fat
I Wanna Get Fat
The decision to cut or add weight does not have to be so complicated. Is it a pleasant experience? Well, that’s debatable.
Top 10 Reasons Why it’s Perfectly Fine to GAIN Weight During the Holiday Season
Top 10 Reasons Why it’s Perfectly Fine to GAIN Weight During the Holiday...
Neck rolls make an ideal hiding place for any stocking stuffer.
What Works
What Works
In this article, I’ll go over muscle gains, weight gains, and strength gains.
How to Own the Chinese Buffet: A Guide to Getting Huge on the Cheap
How to Own the Chinese Buffet: A Guide to Getting Huge on the Cheap
If you were born with a penis, chances are you have a favorite Chinese buffet.
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 3
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 3
This strength program is a combination of several styles and programs that I have discovered in my ten years of experience. You will read about systems that I’ve learned from Joe DeFranco, Dave Tate, and Louie Simmons. You will learn philosophies that I’ve adopted from BFS’s Greg Shepard, Mike Boyle, and Paul Chek. I’ve learned a ton by training with
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 2
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 2
On this program, you’ve got to eat. If you are skinny and weak, you need to eat a ton of food. And don’t just tell me that you “eat a lot.” I get this answer from many kids, and when I take one look at what they really consume, it turns out to be nothing more than a few slices

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