Step Ups
Step Ups
This is a great single leg exercise that will strengthen your quads, hamstrings and glutes.
Straight Side Leg Raise
Straight Side Leg Raise
Begin the exercise on all fours.
Waiter's Bow
Waiter's Bow
The lifter will perform a bent over row and hip extension movement with multiple plates.
Power Squat With Bands
Power Squat With Bands
This exercise was recently done by Dave for higher reps (15 reps) and done as a lactic acid tolerance workout, which is code in Dave’s world for getting a big pump.
Power Squat Machine
Power Squat Machine
The Power Squat is a machine that we jacked up a bit to make it better.
Power Squat Good Mornings
Power Squat Good Mornings
The Power Squat Good Morning is a great lower back movement when you are too worn out to deal with Good Mornings.
Machine One-Legged Squat
Machine One-Legged Squat
One leg squat with machine
Pistol Squat/ Single-Legged Squat
Pistol Squat/ Single-Legged Squat
This is a true single leg squat.
Foam Roller - Glutes
Foam Roller - Glutes
To foam roll the glutes, cross your right ankle over your left knee.
Guard Back Extensions
Guard Back Extensions
Locked onto the top of a flat bench with a guard (between legs) position.
Pull Through - Sled
Pull Through - Sled
Ensure tension on strap at start
Forward Belt Drag
Forward Belt Drag
Maintain upright posture in order to activate the posterior chain muscles
Backward Belt Drag
Backward Belt Drag
Quadriceps are on fire!
Backward Ankle Drag
Backward Ankle Drag
Hamstrings, Glutes, Erectors
Zercher Keg Lunges
Zercher Keg Lunges
Take a zercher hold on your keg and keep the keg right under the chin, upper body stays upright
Sandbag Front Squat
Sandbag Front Squat
This is an excellent movement for the legs AND upper body. The weight sits on your hands as if you were about to perform a military press with palms up.
Keg Zercher Squat
Keg Zercher Squat
Another great strongman exercise using the keg!
Cable Zercher Squat
Cable Zercher Squat
The Zercher squat has been one of the biggest secrets of powerlifters over the years.
Cable Front Squat
Cable Front Squat
This is one of the movements that to be honest with you we just said “what the hell try this” and did it.
Belt Squats
Belt Squats
This exercise is designed to work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings while keeping the stress off the lower back.
Belt Squat - DD Handle Squat
This movement is great for so many reason I am not sure where to begin.
Zig Zag Walking Lunge
Zig Zag Walking Lunge
These lunges are preformed while walking.
Zercher Squats
Zercher Squats
This is a great exercise to build your deadlift and teach you to maintain proper position when squatting.
Zercher Squat with Fat Bar
Zercher Squat with Fat Bar
This is an awesome lift for the lower AND upper body.
Zercher Lunge with SS Bar
Zercher Lunge with SS Bar
While this exercise is based off a basic lunge, I suggest you give it a try.
Zercher Lunge
Zercher Lunge
To do a Zercher lunge, hold the bar in the crooks of your elbows.
WTHIT Squats with Yoke Bar
First off we need to see what this really is and then break it down.
Wide Stance Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Wide Stance Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
This is a killer hamstring movement that my good friend Todd Brock used to live by when trying to build his sumo deadlift.
Sumo Pin Pull
The sumo pin pull is not often used, but I have seen it done before. The
Safety Squat Bar Pin Squats with Chains
This is a HARD CORE max effort movement that will blow your head off.
Safety Bar Box Squats
Safety Bar Box Squats
This movement is performed the same as the regular box squat except you will be using the Safety Squat Bar.
Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)
Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)
This exercise is used to strengthen the hamstrings and glutes.
Barbell Leverage Squats
Barbell Leverage Squats
Hold one bar in each hand. Be sure to hold the collar end of the bar.
Barbell Leverage Deadlift
Barbell Leverage Deadlift
This is a great supplemental or accessory exercise to help build your deadlift.
Good Mornings - Buffalo Bar
Good Mornings - Buffalo Bar
This is performed the same way as the good morning.
Good morning - Broomstick
We are placing this here to show you all that you can still do good mornings if you suck so bar you can’t use the bar.
Foam Squats
This is a great devise to help those who have a hard time keeping their back arch when coming off the box while box squatting.
Buffalo Bar Box Squat
Buffalo Bar Box Squat
The buffalo bar is a specially made bar that has a slight camber to it.
Box Squat With Chains
Box Squat With Chains
The first thing is to learn how to box squat.
Belt Squat with Bar
Belt Squat with Bar
Then I thought about the genius of this exercise.
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Loop the band around the base of the rack. Place the other end of the band around your neck.
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Using Bands with Pin Pulls is a great way to get extra work out of the glutes.
Hip Squat with Bands
Hip Squat with Bands
This is a special exercise I use to teach the hips to fire while keeping the back arched.
Good Mornings with Bands
Good Mornings with Bands
This is an excellent exercise to develop your low back, glutes and hamstrings.

Items 60 to 104 of 104 total
