Ditch the Dumbbells for Delt Training
Ditch the Dumbbells for Delt Training
I’m not going to say that dumbbell laterals don’t “work,” but at some point, you might want to consider spicing up your delt training with a little variety—ditch the dumbbells and opt for cables.
Science is the New Religion
Science is the New Religion
Here we are 400 years later and we’re still arguing like popes and polymaths.
Down with the Decline?
Down with the Decline?
If you decide to embark on the decline press, for whatever reason, regardless of whether or not the pursuit is to target these particular fibers of the pec, you may want to consider alternate options.
I Wanna Hold It
I Wanna Hold It
Let’s travel back to 1995 at Maryland Athletic Club, where a 29-year-old man named Kirk Karwoski was heading into the gym to hit a 1000-pound squat for two.
Squat Habits for Success
Squat Habits for Success
If you’re attempting to teach a squat and you’re having to constantly cue “knees out” or “chest up,” that lifter isn’t ready for a squat. Period.
War Within a Breath: Balance and Symmetry
War Within a Breath: Balance and Symmetry
Today, we’re going to go over the functional implications that our sympathetic dominance has on our musculoskeletal system. P.S. I’m really enjoying writing this series!
War Within a Breath: How it Works
War Within a Breath: How it Works
This is a brief introduction to a topic that we’ll chase down the rabbit hole over the series of the next couple of months. To master the breath and breathing can be one of your best assets for improving your training.
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Shoulder and Elbow Pain
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Should...
Another way to combat the shoulder and elbow pain present in many powerlifters is by doing bicep curls, and doing them properly. It will help prevent injury when doing your bench press.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Common Causes of Hip Shift
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Common Causes of Hip Shift
Hate to break it to you, but you can’t out-correct a corrective exercise.
WATCH: How Tricep Extensions Can Improve Your Bench Press
WATCH: How Tricep Extensions Can Improve Your Bench Press
Elbow pain is a common ailment of powerlifters, particularly when it comes to the bench press. However, an unlikely move can help treat and prevent bench press related elbow pain.
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
Are you really utilizing your muscles at their maximum strength?
The Stretch Reflex: A Power Generator or Not?
The Stretch Reflex: A Power Generator or Not?
The theory is that when you rapidly descend into the “hole” of the squat, there will be a reflexive contraction of the muscles that primarily extend the knee. This will act as some sort of muscle trampoline and will allow you to reflexively contract your way to a completed rep.
WATCH: I am Jordan Shallow
WATCH: I am Jordan Shallow
“I’m not the strongest guy in the world, but I might have a run as one of the stronger chiropractors.” elitefts coach and columnist Dr. Jordan Shallow wants to make his mark in chiropractic, education, training, and fitness — and he might be doing just that through his travels and writings.
Training the Lats in Dao
Training the Lats in Dao
Lifters concern themselves with putting tension across the fibers of the lats in the hopes that they’ll grow — without dosing them in the smallest moment of function to help stabilize their trunk and core, minimize the risk of low back pain, and ultimately, promote longevity in lifting.
WATCH: John Meadows and The Muscle Doc Train Back and Chest
WATCH: John Meadows and The Muscle Doc Train Back and Chest
John Meadows was interested in the things Jordan Shallow discussed in podcasts and IG posts, so he reached out to him with the intention to “steal” some of Jordan’s ideas. Well, that didn’t go as planned. Don’t waste an opportunity to steal this workout from elitefts. Not that it’s stealing; you have our permission.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #36 with Jordan Shallow
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #36 with Jordan Shallow
The Muscle Doc is in the house! Dr. Jordan Shallow is here to answer your (bench) pressing questions, so hop on the livestream and ask away!
The Injury Equation
The Injury Equation
Whether they know it or not, most therapists and trainers who are following the current injury paradigm are focusing solely on one part of the equation; they are exclusively focused on tissue tolerance, which is essentially a one-dimensional view.
Muscle Doc's Big(gest) Three: Core Movements for Strength and Performance
Muscle Doc's Big(gest) Three: Core Movements for Strength and Perfo...
When we talk about the Big Three, we’re usually talking about squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Well, guess what: There are even more bigger and better Big Three movements out there. Find out what they are if you dare…
Why You Should Pull the SSB Handles In While Squatting
Why You Should Pull the SSB Handles In While Squatting
The Safety Squat Bar is a great tool to help build strength in the upper back, but if you’re looking to get the full effect out of this bar, you should consider applying this subtle cue in order to load the erector muscles of the spine in their purest function.
The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?
The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?
There are movements that I think all coaches should have a fundamental understanding in, and it’s hard to think of an exercise more worthy of a deep dive than the Bulgarian Split Squat. Go grab your dumbbell so we can figure out which side to load.
Editor's Letter for June
Editor's Letter for June
Here’s a preview of what we have lined up for you this June! We welcome Dr. Jordan Shallow to Team elitefts as the newest coach and columnist. Also, find out what was the most popular content in May (especially if you’ve been busy enjoying the summer weather — without a phone in hand).
Introducing New elitefts Columnist and Coach Dr. Jordan Shallow
Introducing New elitefts Columnist and Coach Dr. Jordan Shallow
Dr. Jordan Shallow, DC, is a strength and conditioning coach, powerlifter, consultant and chiropractor, and RX'D RADIO podcast co-host from Windsor, Ontario. Oh, and he's also the latest addition to Team elitefts.

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