Letter to a First-Time Competitor
Letter to a First-Time Competitor
Are you getting ready for your first powerlifting meet? Learn these tips and tricks now before you step onto the platform.
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Peaking for your meet day should happen around six weeks out. Here’s a thorough plan to make sure you get the most out of your lifts when the time comes to step on the platform.
Your Nutritional Plan for Meet Day
Your Nutritional Plan for Meet Day
You’ve done the work thus far to demonstrate your strength on the platform. Don’t ruin it with poor food choices come meet day.
Do the Minimum for Meet Day Success
Do the Minimum for Meet Day Success
Don’t be the lifter with headphones on all day in the warm-up room, super-hyped to the gills. Save your energy for the platform.
44 Things to Pack for Your Next Meet
44 Things to Pack for Your Next Meet
Packing the basics is just half the battle. Meet sites can be cold, uncomfortable, and might be far from easy access to good food. All variables need to be taken into consideration while packing for meet day… and these 44 items will help you cover your bases.
The Meet That Was Like a Family Reunion
The Meet That Was Like a Family Reunion
This was the first meet that I attended neither as participant, lifter, nor spectator; instead, I was a coach, cheerleader, and go-fer. At this meet, Flex Gym proved it is as much a family as any group I have ever seen. Everyone is there for everyone else.
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
The meet prep beast is going to rear its ugly heads at you sometimes, and its mugs come in many forms: injuries, stress, or a lousy no-show training partner. When one of them tries to bite, it’s best to have a flexible plan of action that helps you nimbly dodge from the monster’s jaws.
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
Why do so many people do so well in training but nosedive when it’s time to compete? Two words: Anxiety and self-doubt.
Mental Visualization to a Better Total
Mental Visualization to a Better Total
The body is limited but the mind is unbelievably more powerful. With positive mental imagery, you can take successful rep after successful rep with a weight you have never even touched.
The Gift of Perspective: Things to Know as a New Powerlifter, Lessons 11-14
The Gift of Perspective: Things to Know as a New Powerlifter, Lessons 11...
We’ve covered the first ten perspectives for new lifters. Now it’s time to get more specific about what it takes to break through the beginning stages of powerlifting.
Competing Requires Management Skills
Competing Requires Management Skills
Having a good meet means accounting for every aspect of your performance. Mismanage one aspect and you’re not going to have a great day.
6 Don'ts for New Lifters Going Into a Meet
6 Don'ts for New Lifters Going Into a Meet
As a coach and competitor these are the recurring mistakes I witness many first-timers make.
Three Powerlifting Fads That Are Hurting Your Total
Three Powerlifting Fads That Are Hurting Your Total
Training isn’t meant to be flashy — it’s meant to be effective. Resist the temptation of these “hip” techniques and stay on track to bigger PRs on meet day.
Raw Unity Meet 9: Coaching, 5thSet, World Record Controversy
Raw Unity Meet 9: Coaching, 5thSet, World Record Controversy
Another year of RUM, another weekend of 5thSet lifters kicking ass on the platform. Thank God no one I work with broke a world record, right?
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Powerlifting is one tool I use to measure my strength. Through relocation, job change, a virus, a motorcycle crash, and children (the list goes on), there’s one thing I learned this past year: consistency.
Meet Day Mistakes: How to Plan for the Finer Points of Performance
Meet Day Mistakes: How to Plan for the Finer Points of Performance
You may be hearing these four tips for the first time or you may need a reminder of things you already know — it doesn’t matter. Whether you’ve done two meets or twenty, avoid these mistakes at all costs.
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews New 220 All-Time Record Holder Jeremy Hamilton
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews New 220 All-Time Record Holder Jeremy Ham...
The best 220-pound raw lifter in the world opens up about his training and what it takes to capture an all-time record.
7 Meet-Day Tactics for Putting Together Your Best Total
7 Meet-Day Tactics for Putting Together Your Best Total
You’ve spent days, weeks, and months preparing for the meet. These tips will ensure your efforts were not in vain.
WATCH: Scenes from the WPC World Championship
WATCH: Scenes from the WPC World Championship
A look back at competitors, experts, and officials that participated in the World Championship.

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