Glute Training for Meatheads
Glute Training for Meatheads
Training to get Instagram-worthy glutes is just as much for the guys as it is the girls. Not only will your backside look better, but working on your glutes might help out with knee and back pain, too.
Evidence-Based Practice: Are You Really Ahead of the Curve?
Evidence-Based Practice: Are You Really Ahead of the Curve?
With the same irony that Botox and liposuction clinics have absorbed the words “health” and “wellness,” the evidence-based approach has become a marketing buzzword to try to signal to the public that you are “cutting edge”. Are you all hype or really ahead of the curve?
Top 5 Recovery Tools From elitefts
Top 5 Recovery Tools From elitefts
Want to prevent injury by building a bulletproof back? Have achy elbows and knees? Suffering from a low-grade strain?
Top-5 Exercises to Keep Your Spine Healthy
Top-5 Exercises to Keep Your Spine Healthy
Here is a list of my top-5 exercises that I use to train lats, hamstrings, abs, and glutes. These exercises not only target the intended muscles but they also give the spine ways to recover and stay healthy. For some context, I have severe disc degeneration.
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
If you have a garage gym, you want equipment that is reliable and will outlive you. That’s why elitefts equipment is the gold standard. But you’ll want equipment that’ll give you the bang for your buck. Enter the elitefts Back Raise…
6 Lower Body Exercises to Back Up Your Bench
6 Lower Body Exercises to Back Up Your Bench
If you are a bench-only lifter, an older beat-up powerlifter, or just really need to get in some lower body training in, these six exercises will cover all three of those bases. These exercises are my workaround to hammer the lower and upper body while keeping a strong bench.
8 Gift Ideas for the Coaches Who Train Combat Athletes
8 Gift Ideas for the Coaches Who Train Combat Athletes
These are the eight items I find most useful after just having barbells, a rack, and good technique.
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Rounded Upper Back Deadlift, The Best Part of Powerlifting in 2018, and Low Back Exercises
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Rounded Upper Back Deadlift, The Best Part of P...
Still on the road and still answering your questions, this episode focuses on deadlift cues and exercise selection with limited equipment.
5 New elitefts Items Worth Checking Out
5 New elitefts Items Worth Checking Out
Check out the new line of Westside Barbell equipment, elitefts tee's and tanks and the Airex Balance Pad that is a must-have for any functional training enthusiast. Add these new items to your cart today!
My Top Five Posterior Chain Exercises and Why You Need To Do Them
My Top Five Posterior Chain Exercises and Why You Need To Do Them
These exercises will provide you with a great deal of return on investment. They will not only make you stronger but also healthier and more stable in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
What is the best way to prepare for your training session? Do you need a foam roller? Muscle activation techniques? A reverse hyper?
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
Instead of rehabing, think about prehabing. It’s less painful and you certainly won’t regret it, unlike the alternative.
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
One of the best parts of working for EliteFTS (besides the diet advice from Dave) is helping people create their own home gyms.
Training Around Back Pain
Training Around Back Pain
The bottom position of a squat or deadlift is where the lumbar spine is most vulnerable.
Tire Flipping 101
Tire Flipping 101
In this article, I’ll share with you a routine that has helped my clients, both men and women, get better at tire flipping.
 Assistance Exercises for the Raw Squatter
Assistance Exercises for the Raw Squatter
So it’s been three meets now and I’m still doing this raw thing.
Pop Goes the Weasel
Pop Goes the Weasel
Thoughts, mostly weird ones, tumble inside my head like sagebrush on the open prairie. So, it should come as no surprise that one day last spring, as I sat and pondered, I conjured up the bright idea to jump out of a 55-gallon barrel.
Sick of Your Gym; Part 5 - Getting on the P-Chain
Sick of Your Gym; Part 5 - Getting on the P-Chain
Since I started the “Sick of Your Gym” concept we have received hundreds of emails and posts in regards to the many challenges you all face when training in commercial, private and school weight rooms.

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