Three Tips to Improve Your Squat
Three Tips to Improve Your Squat
Not the ones you hear all the time.
The Path to Greatness: Tension
The Path to Greatness: Tension
To me, greatness is a journey, not a destination. The next few articles I write are going to talk about the path to greatness and the key things that I think are necessary for ultimately reaching that goal. The first thing is tension.
The Mind-Muscle Link: Learn Muscle Attachments
The Mind-Muscle Link: Learn Muscle Attachments
I am personally giving you permission to skip today’s workout — but only if you learn about muscle origins and insertions and how they move. Watch some videos about this instead of binge-watching Stranger Things or whatever. Just sit down and educate yourself.
Two Crucial Components Your Training is Missing
Two Crucial Components Your Training is Missing
Most intermediates that have come to me without ever working with a qualified coach before are lacking a few qualities in their technique, especially on big lifts. Lacking these qualities can potentially lead to injury at one point or another. These two qualities are tension and torque.
A Basic Lifting Skill Review: Grip Strength
A Basic Lifting Skill Review: Grip Strength
Every seasoned lifter appreciates how easy it is to lose simple habits in pursuit of getting stronger. One such habit: Getting a good grip.
The Power of Bodyweight Training
The Power of Bodyweight Training
Resistance is resistance, no matter from which source it comes. When you do a push-up, your body doesn’t just go, “What, he’s doing a push-up? Nah, I ain’t growing.”
Optimizing Your Pre-Training Routine: The Five Stages of PTR
Optimizing Your Pre-Training Routine: The Five Stages of PTR
The sequencing and staging of your PTR is key. The exercises work synergistically, and their individual effectiveness is secondary to their combined effect.
Four Keys to Manual Resistance
Four Keys to Manual Resistance
The half-kneeling y-raise is great at showing athletes correct scapulo-humeral rhythm without the common compensations of the over-dominant accessory muscles of the neck and back. To do it, follow the rules of manual resistance.
Three Tips for Coaching the Novice Athlete
Three Tips for Coaching the Novice Athlete
Regardless of your coaching style or philosophy, here are three techniques that will help your novice athletes improve quickly.
Reno Hardcore: Tricks for Immediate Strength
Reno Hardcore: Tricks for Immediate Strength
Instantly lift more by making these simple changes.
Cycling Reverse Band Tension to Build Peak Strength
Cycling Reverse Band Tension to Build Peak Strength
Reverse bands are a common tool to overload movements, but there is more than one way to utilize them in your training.
 How to Set Up on the Deadlift
How to Set Up on the Deadlift
Most of the time, you’ll see the deadlift performed like a cat taking a shit. You know what I mean—the arch and twitch technique? There are a ton of reasons why someone would deadlift this way:

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