Journaling for Training Success
Journaling for Training Success
Your training log serves so many roles for you to ultimately reflect, analyze, and attack your goals and performance. For less than a dollar, get started today and see how practicing mindfulness puts more weight on the bar.
Editor's Letter for June
Editor's Letter for June
Here’s a preview of what we have lined up for you this June! We welcome Dr. Jordan Shallow to Team elitefts as the newest coach and columnist. Also, find out what was the most popular content in May (especially if you’ve been busy enjoying the summer weather — without a phone in hand).
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Anne Sheehan
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Anne Sheehan
The newest Team elitefts athlete Anne Sheehan learned while she was getting sober that she needed someone else’s help — and she did it. And that’s exactly what her athlete logs will do: help other powerlifters in their journeys.
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
I’m going to share four key components to packing on more muscle and getting stronger by actually backing off the weight.
 What Data Collection Could Mean for Your 2017 Powerlifting Total
What Data Collection Could Mean for Your 2017 Powerlifting Total
Just like you have lifting data, you also have life data. As the New Year has begun, let’s review 2016.
Putting Pen to Paper — When Old School Is Better Than New Technology
Putting Pen to Paper — When Old School Is Better Than New Technology
Now is the time to assess the technology that’s at our fingertips. It’s also the time to become picky with what type of and when to use technology with regard to our powerlifting success.
WATCH: Set Yourself Up For A Bigger Bench
WATCH: Set Yourself Up For A Bigger Bench
Sometimes a visual is the one thing an audible coaching cue lacks. Give these tips a try.
WATCH: IFBB Pro Chest Day with Meadows, Jackson, and Abiad
WATCH: IFBB Pro Chest Day with Meadows, Jackson, and Abiad
As John enters the final weeks before the 2016 Arnold, this trio of professional bodybuilders joined Dave at the S4 Compound for a high-intensity training session. Full workout included.
3 Keys for a Better Strength Program
3 Keys for a Better Strength Program
Program writing can be difficult. Here are three solutions that I’ve used in my own training to help you with this process.
Do you really need to keep a training log? Dorian Yates did!
Do you really need to keep a training log? Dorian Yates did!
Why did Dorian Yates keep a training journal?
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Remember in math class when your teacher told you to show your work? Well, you need to do it again.
The 11 Best Training Log Videos From Last Week
The 11 Best Training Log Videos From Last Week
Best training log videos from last week.
Killer Front Squat Finisher
Killer Front Squat Finisher
Two of the best reasons to keep a workout log and look back at it is that you can find trends in your programming and fondly recall memorable workouts.
Kentucky Strong: Four Things I Have Been Doing Wrong
Kentucky Strong: Four Things I Have Been Doing Wrong
Your training journal is a very valuable tool in getting bigger, stronger, and better.
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military
Sometimes I would question what kept me going back to train; I rarely set a new record.
Spotlight: Introducing New Addition - Figure Competitor Kelly Booth
Spotlight: Introducing New Addition - Figure Competitor Kelly Booth
I started first reading EliteFTS in college when training for my first show in 2007.

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