WATCH: Table Talk — The Future of Powerlifting with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
WATCH: Table Talk — The Future of Powerlifting with Dave Tate and Joe Su...
Sure, you could just pull out some tarot cards or dust off your great-grandmother’s crystal ball to predict what powerlifting’s going to be like in 10 years. Better yet, you could listen to Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan’s powerlifting predictions.
WATCH: Dedication to Powerlifting Federations
WATCH: Dedication to Powerlifting Federations
Should you spend your powerlifting career competing only with one organization, or go wherever you feel like for each meet?
Home for Powerlifters in the Heart of Columbus
Home for Powerlifters in the Heart of Columbus
Rachel Ellis and Maggie Kuhn are owners and operators of CBUS Lifting Co. Watch how they used their passion for building an environment where competitive strength athletes thrive and form a community.
2017 IPF Classic Worlds Highlights
2017 IPF Classic Worlds Highlights
Here's a listing of a few exceptional lifters from 2017 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships.
The Role of Federations in Powerlifting
The Role of Federations in Powerlifting
Powerlifting is a sport of continual evolution. In understanding federations today, it is important to note not only the evolution of powerlifting athlete, but also the history of why most powerlifting federations came into existence.
WATCH: Table Talk — What If Other Competitors Lie About Drug Use?
WATCH: Table Talk — What If Other Competitors Lie About Drug Use?
Mentally preparing for a meet isn’t easy but what if you also have to worry that the other lifters are lying about steroids?
WATCH: Belaineh's Pro Raw Challenge Meet
WATCH: Belaineh's Pro Raw Challenge Meet
Mickey's day at the Arnold Sports Festival granted some helpful insight for future competition.
Goggins Force at the Arnold
Goggins Force at the Arnold
Even a full hip replacement can’t stop Steve Goggins from coaching his team to a standout performance at the Pro Raw Challenge.
LIVE UPDATES: Mickey Belaineh at the IPF/USAPL Pro Raw Challenge
LIVE UPDATES: Mickey Belaineh at the IPF/USAPL Pro Raw Challenge
Full coverage of Mickey’s performance at the Arnold Sports Festival.
How Deep is a Parallel Squat?
How Deep is a Parallel Squat?
Competitors, judges, and organization rulebooks don't always agree on squat depth. If there's a definitive mark, this is where you'll find it.
Long-term Goal Achieved at 13th Annual USAPL American Open
Long-term Goal Achieved at 13th Annual USAPL American Open
A record setting bench launched Yard to the third highest total in the USAPL.
In Praise of the Eight-Day Training Week
In Praise of the Eight-Day Training Week
You might have your training plan right but your recovery plan wrong.
 Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
His main goal at the USAPL North East Regional Championships was to total at least 1,800 pounds, but that doesn’t mean Scott didn’t try to shatter a current American record as well.
The Decline of Team USA at IPF Worlds
The Decline of Team USA at IPF Worlds
At IPF Worlds last year, the American men and women’s teams finished in ninth place and fourth place, respectively. This is the third consecutive year that neither team has placed in the top three at Worlds.
The Road To Winning USAPL Raw Nationals
The Road To Winning USAPL Raw Nationals
I started my raw journey back in December of 2008. After an equipped meet in April 2008, I left the meet feeling empty.

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