Old Man Conjugate: New Hips and New Dogs
I got one and am getting the other soon. Plus a BIG event this Saturday.
Reader’s Poll: What Do You Want to Know?
Help me write about the topics you want to learn more about.
The Two Fastest Ways to Improve Your Grip Strength
A strong grip is important. It’s your weakest link.
Old Man Conjugate: What’s Important at 20 Is Not At 50.
Tips for prioritizing your training as a Washed Up Meathead
Cheat or Be Strict? When to use cheat reps in strength training.
When and how to use cheat reps in strength training.
Old Man Conjugate: Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond Part 2: Home Gym E...
Options for all budgets.
Goodmornings with the Dr. Squat Strap
Video: Showing you how to build a bigger, stronger Squat, Deadlift and booty!