
I’ve had a lot of questions lately about a summer program for high school football. I get emails like, “Do you have an old lifting program for my football team?” There are a couple of problems with that; the first being I HATED writing out programs.

I would see where we were on Week 1, start at a low level of training, and build up over the course of the semester or summer. If you don’t come down to the bottom of the mountain and meet your athletes where they’re at, you’re in for a rude awakening later on. Just ask JL Holdsworth! You can’t will a group to be more physically prepared than they are physically capable of being. You can absolutely push the boundaries but 7th grader Jimmy Smith doesn’t need to be copying Jerry Rice’s training program!

RECENT: Take the Red Pill

So, we would train — not follow a typed-out card; and because of that, there are no old programs. If you run the same program each year, you’re not truly meeting your kids where they are. You’re following a pre-determined script. Not recording what we did last year forced me to better evaluate the athletes and start from scratch.

The positive aspect of me not having a program is now I have to sit down and write this article. I don’t want anyone to use this as a program. There are too many outside factors to consider and for me to know about your population that I have no clue on. It will be much more beneficial if you look at it and use it as a guide to formulate your own program. When you go through, look at the various lanes, their volumes, the work-to-rest ratios on the conditioning portion, the sequencing of the various workouts (sprints before lower lifting days), etc.

To help keep our program in perspective we’re going to have to assume a few outside factors. Let’s assume:

  • Athletes have a firm grasp on training. Not advanced but can perform most lifts with relative proficiency
  • Athletes are somewhat active in other activities during the summer (7-on-7 league, summer basketball, etc.), and because of this, we are not going to pile on more agility training.
  • The weight room has a fair amount of equipment. Racks, some accessory pieces, bands, chains, and some accessory bars. If you don’t have these things, substitute what you do have. Most high school kids will get a huge benefit from just doing the movements properly. Check the exercise index/coaching cues portions of my book ConjugateU on how to do these. If you don’t have the equipment listed, mimic joint action (45-degree back extension would equal hip extension, so do a fixed knee hip extension movement).
  • This will be a four day/week template. Space it out how you see fit for your setting. I would put max effort lower on your last training day of the week. They will need the weekend to recover.
  • Lower body days will have running first. Upper body days will have conditioning after.
  • Conditioning will be general. NOTHING gets you in game shape except for games. This will give them a solid base to work from.

Week 1

Day 1 – Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns – 30 seconds/ position
  • Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 3x5
  • Close Grip Bench vs. Chain – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Floor Press – 3x10
  • Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row – 3x10 – pause reps on chest
  • Dumbbell Shrug for Time – 3x 1 min – approx. 1/5 bodyweight – 200-pound kid uses 40-pound dumbbell
  • Skullcrusher Push-Up on Bench Bar – 3x1 minute while partner does shrugs
  • Chest Sup T raise on Bench – 4x20
  • Hammer Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on 100 Yards of Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 4 bouts – Use Interval Chart 1 (pictured below) for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.

interval chart 1Interval Chart I

  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown – x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Lateral Medicine Ball Throws into Wall – 3x5
  • Speed Bench – 6x3@40% vs. chain – 30-second rest
  • Close Grip 2-Board Press with Speed Bench Setup – Work up to heavy set of 3 and do 3 total sets there.
  • Inverted Row – 3x10 – 3-second pause chest on bar
  • Snatch Grip Shrug – 3x20
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 3x10
  • Chest Sup Y-Raise on Bench – 4x20
  • Fat Bar Reverse Grip Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 4 bouts — Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

Week 2

Day 1 – Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns – 30 seconds/position
  • Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 3x5
  • Fat Bar Floor Press vs. Chain– 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Floor Press – 4x10
  • Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row – 4x10 – pause reps on chest
  • Dumbbell Shrug for Time – 4x1 minute – approx. 1/5 bodyweight – 200-pound kid uses 40-pound dumbbell
  • Skullcrusher Push Up on Bench Bar – 4x1 minute – while partner does shrugs
  • Chest Sup T-Raise on Bench – 5x20
  • Hammer Curl – 4x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 5 bouts – Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Seated Box Jump – 3x5
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 10 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 20-Yard Sprints – 3 reps
  • Speed Squat – 40% – 8x2 – Yoke Bar vs. bands
  • Sumo Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands – 8x2
  • Reverse Hyper – 4x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x30
  • Groiners – 3x30
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Lateral Medicine Ball Throws into Wall – 3x5
  • Speed Bench – 8x3@40% vs. Chain – 30-second rest
  • Speed Bench Setup and Weight – 2 sets to near fail
  • Inverted Row – 4x10 – 3-second pause chest on bar
  • Snatch Grip Shrug – 4x20
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 4x10
  • Chest Sup Y-Raise on Bench – 5x20
  • Fat Bar Reverse Grip Curl – 4x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 5 bouts – Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

Week 3

Day 1 – Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns – 30 seconds/position
  • Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 3x5
  • 2-Board Press vs. Bands – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Floor Press – 4x8
  • Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row – 5x10 – pause reps on chest
  • Dumbbell Shrug for Time – 4x1 minute – approx. 1/5 bodyweight – 200-pound kid uses 40-pound dumbbell
  • Skullcrusher Push Up on Bench Bar – 5x1 minute – while partner does shrugs
  • Chest Sup T-Raise on Bench – 5x20
  • Hammer Curl – 4x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 6 bouts – Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Seated Box Jump – 3x5
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 12 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 20-Yard Sprints – 4 reps
  • Speed Squat – 40% – 10x2 – Yoke Bar vs. bands
  • Sumo Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands – 10x2
  • Reverse Hyper – 4x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x30
  • Groiners – 3x30
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Lateral Medicine Ball Throws into Wall – 4x5
  • Speed Bench – 10x3@40% vs. chain – 30-second rest
  • Push Ups – 3 sets to fail
  • Inverted Row – 5x10 – 3-second pause chest on bar
  • Snatch Grip Shrug – 4x20
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 5x10
  • Chest Sup Y-Raise on Bench – 5x20
  • Fat Bar Reverse Grip Curl – 4x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 6 bouts — Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

Week 4

Day 1 - Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns – 30 seconds/position
  • Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 3x5
  • Fat Bar Bench vs. Chain – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Bench – 3x10
  • Supinated Blast Strap Inverted Row – 3x10 – pause reps on chest, 4-second eccentric
  • Shrug Death – 4 (10-, 25-, 45-pound, or combination) plates on each side – strip set of 25 reps, 50, 75, 100 reps – no rest
  • Fat Bar Skullcrusher vs. Chain – 3x8
  • Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise – 4x20
  • Hammer Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 6 bouts – Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Seated Box Jump – 3x5
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 8 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 20-Yard Sprints – 2 reps
  • Speed Squat – 40% - 6x2 – Cambered Bar vs. extra bands
  • Sumo Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands – 6x2
  • Single Leg Reverse Hyper – 3x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x20
  • Groiners – 3x30
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Lateral Medicine Ball Throws into Wall – 3x5
  • Speed Bench – 6x3@40% vs. band – 30-second rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x12
  • 1 Arm Dumbbell Row – 3x10 – 3-second pause on chest
  • Upright Row – 3x20 – light, elbows only go to shoulder height – 3-second lowering
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 3x10
  • Chest Sup Snow Angels – 4x20
  • Fat Bar Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 2-3 minutes – 6 bouts – Use Interval Chart 1 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

Week 5

Day 1 - Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns with 2.5 pounds – 20 seconds/position
  • Seated Jump to Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 3x5
  • American Cambered Grip Bar vs. Chain – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Bench – 4x10
  • Supinated Blast Strap Inverted Row – 4x10- pause reps on chest, 4-second eccentric
  • Shrug Death – 4 (10-, 25-, 45-pound, or combinations) plates on each side – strip set of 25 reps, 50, 75, 100 reps – no rest – 1 round
  • Fat Bar Skullcrusher vs. Chain – 4x8
  • Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise– 4x20
  • Dumbbell Curl with Fat Grips – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 6 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 (pictured below) for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.

interval chart 2

Interval Chart 2

  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • 6-Inch Box Scissor Jumps – 4x20 seconds
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 5 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 15-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 5 sprints, 50 seconds rest between – no prowler
  • 20-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 2 reps
  • Speed Squat – 40% - 8x2 – Cambered Bar vs. extra bands
  • Sumo Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands – 8x2
  • Single Leg Reverse Hyper – 4x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x20
  • Thompson Hips – 3 rounds/15 reps per movement
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Lateral Medicine Ball Throws into Wall – 3x5
  • Speed Bench – 8x3@40% vs. band – 30-second rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x10
  • 1 Arm Dumbbell Row – 4x10 – 3-second pause on chest
  • Upright Row – 4x20 – light, elbows only go to shoulder height – 3-second lowering
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 4x10
  • Chest Sup Snow Angels – 4x20
  • Fat Bar Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 6 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

 Week 6

Day 1 – Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns with 2.5 pounds – 20 seconds/position
  • Seated Jump to Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 4x5
  • Reverse Band Bench – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Bench – 4x10
  • Supinated Blast Strap Inverted Row – 5x10 – pause reps on chest – 4-second eccentric
  • Shrug Death – 4 (10-, 25-, 45-pound, or combination) plates on each side – strip set of 25 reps, 50, 75, 100 reps – no rest – 1 round
  • Fat Bar Skullcrusher vs. Chain – 5x8
  • Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise – 5x20
  • Dumbbell Curl with Fat Grips – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 7 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • 6-Inch Box Scissor Jumps – 6x20 seconds
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 6 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 15-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 6 sprints, 50-second rest between – no prowler
  • 20-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 3 reps
  • Speed Squat – 40% – 10x2 – Cambered Bar vs. extra bands
  • Sump Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands – 10x2
  • Single Leg Reverse Hyper – 4x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x20
  • Thompson Hips – 3 rounds/20 reps per movement
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Backward Overhead Medicine Ball Throw for Height – 4x5
  • Speed Bench – 10x3@40% vs. band – 30-second rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
  • 1 Arm Dumbbell Row – 5x10 – 3-second pause on chest
  • Upright Row – 5x20 – light, elbows only go to shoulder height – 3-second lowering
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 5x10
  • Chest Sup Snow Angels – 5x20
  • Fat Bar Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 7 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

Week 7

Day 1 - Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns with 2.5 Pounds – 20 seconds/position
  • Seated Jump to Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 5x5
  • Floor Press vs. Chain – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Bench – 4x10
  • Supinated Blast Strap Inverted Row – 6x10 – pause reps on chest, 4-second eccentric
  • Shrug Death – 4 (10-, 25-, 45-pound, or combination) plates on each side – strip set of 25 reps, 50, 75, 100 reps – no rest – 1 round
  • Fat Bar Skullcrusher vs. Chain – 6x8
  • Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise – 5x20
  • Dumbbell Curl with Fat Grips – 4x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 8 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • 6-Inch Box Scissor Jumps – 7x20 seconds
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 7 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 15-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 7 sprints, 50-second rest between – no prowler
  • 20-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 4 reps
  • Speed Squat – 30% – 8x2 – Cambered Yoke Bar vs. extra bands
  • Sumo Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands – 8x2 – weights elevated 3-4 inches
  • Single Leg Reverse Hyper – 4x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x20
  • Thompson Hips – 3 rounds/20 reps per movement
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Backward Overhead Medicine Ball Throw for Height – 4x5
  • Speed Bench – 8x3@40% vs. band – 30-second rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
  • 1 Arm Dumbbell Row – 6x10 – 3-second pause on chest
  • Upright Row – 5x20 – light, elbows only go to shoulder height – 3-second lowering
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 5x10
  • Chest Sup Snow Angels – 5x20
  • Fat Bar Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 8 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

Week 8

Day 1 – Max Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Black Burns with 2.5 pounds – 20 seconds/position
  • Seated Jump to Overhead Medicine Ball Slams – 5x5
  • Fat Bar 2-Board Press – 1RM, 3x2 @ 85% of 1RM
  • Dumbbell Bench – 3x10
  • Supinated Blast Strap Inverted Row – 3x10 – pause reps on chest, 4-second eccentric
  • Shrug Death – 4 (10-, 25-, 45-pound, or combination) plates on each side – strip set of 25 reps, 50, 75, 100 reps – no rest – 1 round
  • Fat Bar Skullcrusher vs. Chain – 3x8
  • Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise– 3x20
  • Dumbbell Curl with Fat Grips – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 4 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 2 – Speed Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • 6-Inch Box Scissor Jumps – 7x20 seconds
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 4 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 15-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 4 sprints, 50 seconds rest between – no prowler
  • 20-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 2 reps
  • Speed Squat – 30% – 6x2 – Cambered Yoke Bar vs. extra bands
  • Sumo Speed Pulls – 40% vs. bands- 4x2 – weights elevated 3-4 inches
  • Single Leg Reverse Hyper – 3x20
  • Banded Hamstring Curl – 3x20
  • Thompson Hips – 3 rounds/20 reps per movement
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Day 3 – Speed Upper

  • Tissue Prep for Pecs/Shoulders
  • Banded Face Pull x 20/Tricep Pushdown x 20 – 3 rounds
  • Backward Overhead Medicine Ball Throw for Height– 4x5
  • Speed Bench – 6x3@40% vs. band – 30-second rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
  • 1 Arm Dumbbell Row – 3x10- 3-second pause on chest
  • Upright Row – 3x20 – light, elbows only go to shoulder height – 3-second lowering
  • Skullcrusher with Speed Bench Setup – 3x10
  • Chest Sup Snow Angels – 3x20
  • Fat Bar Curl – 3x12
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Interval Runs on Turf in Bare Feet – 1-2 minutes – 4 bouts – Use Interval Chart 2 for distance/time by position. These need to be scaled, as these were for NFL players. The goal of this day is to get them in some sort of cardiovascular shape — NOT have kids puking all over. These runs are submaximal so you can coach some sprint technique and change of direction while doing them.
  • Shoulder Traction

Day 4 – Max Lower

  • Tissue Prep
  • Dynamic Warm Up
  • Seated Foot Slam Box Jump – 6x5
  • 15-Yard Hill Sprints or Prowler Sprints – 3 sprints, 50 seconds between each. If using a prowler, use a weight that allows the athlete to keep about 75% full speed.
  • 15-Yard Flat Land Sprints – 3 sprints, 50-second rest
  • 20-Yard Flat Sprints – 2 reps
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift – 3x10
  • Bulgarian Split Squat – 3x6 – 4-second eccentric
  • GHR – 3x8
  • Chin Up – 3x8
  • Abs with Weight – 100 total
  • Neck Training
  • Banded Hip Mobility

Week 9

Camp starts!

Other guidelines:

  • Keep your rest periods short in the weight room. On the heavier max effort work, take a little more time, like two to three minutes.
  • Remember to tailor this to your population and equipment resources. Think of it like “plug-n-play.”
  • The most important factors are movement quality in the weight room, athlete intent into the bar, doing work on repetition lanes, training the oxidative system on upper body days and the ATP system on lower body days, working up to something heavy on max effort days (don’t let your kids look like shit in the pursuit of numbers), moving weights fast on dynamic days, and sprinting fast on sprint days.

Hopefully, this "program" will get you pointed in the right direction for prepping your high school kids this summer. Camp will be here before we know it! Hope you’re ready, get strong, hurt feelings!
