Level Up Your Accessories
Accessory movements, by definition, are nonessential. But I beg to differ. Learn to get more out of your accessory movements and watch your progress skyrocket.
The 6s and 7s of Training and Nutrition
Exercises or food you ranked high at some point may not be serving you anymore? It’s time to reevaluate what you lift and put in your mouth.
#109 - BONUS: Best Way to Train Supplemental & Accessory Movements
Dave Tate’s LTT8 (Learn to Train Seminar) lecture on how to best train supplemental and accessory movements for the highest outcome.
Top-10 Assistance Exercises to Get Stronger and Remain Injury-Free
I started late in the game and unfortunately have the scars to prove it. Now with so much information literally at your fingertips, you don’t have to go through the wringer like me. Learn from my mistakes and incorporate these exercises into your program.
10 Training Mistakes to Avoid
Here are some simple mistakes to avoid that will allow you to put yourself in the best position to train pain-free for life, perform like a stud, and look good naked.
The Big Picture of Conjugate
The goal with this series is to get to you to think about how you can manipulate the max effort, dynamic effort, and repeated efforts to fir your needs and to understand that conjugate is a fluid system that requires experimenting.
5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
In conjugate, accessory work plays a huge role, even if it isn’t one that gets the attention. Accessory work is going to help fill your gaps and prevent you from developing new ones.
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
In the third and final part of the 1RM Lift Variation series, my powerlifting friends suggest their favorite movements for improving the deadlift through secondary movements, accessory work, and more.
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
I still stand by my original Top 5 article series, but even I can admit it needed an update. So I expanded on the list I already had. The original articles were for assistance and accessory work. This series is for accessory work only. We’ll start things off this time with my 2019 accessory exercises for the squat.
Technically, You're Weak
Enough of the excuses. I’m sick of hearing them. You have the energy to roll on the floor for 45 minutes before you train, take 34 selfies, and tag the gang before you leave the gym, but you can’t spend an extra 30 minutes on your back?
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
As I got stronger with pulling conventional, a funny thing happened. My weak point went from being off the floor (where it was when pulling sumo) to just below the knee. I had to go back to the drawing board and figure out what exercises would get me stronger.
Manipulating the Accessory Lane to Kick Ass, Not Get it Kicked
The purpose of accessory work is to bring up the weak areas of the athletes. It is the time when we do what most people would consider bodybuilding.
Kettlebells for Strongman
For the Strongman athlete, kettlebells are a great accessory after your main lifts. Here are a few of my favorites for accessory work. These exercises are best done with higher reps.
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Accessories
From chest-supported rows, to vertical pull-downs and face-pulls, Tate tightens up Rusin’s supporting exercises to ensure that they are addressing his weak points in a way that will have correspondence to the “big three” lifts.
The Value of Accessory Work
I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to moving a weight that makes me “feel good” about training, versus doing a movement that requires less weight on the bar because it exposes weakness.
Learn to Train X: Dynamic Correspondence to the Platform
Focusing on this concept of carry-over helps powerlifters train in a more intentional and strategic way, ultimately bolstering overall performance come meet day.
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Deadlift
As Rusin adds proper breathing into his deadlift sequence (one of many tweaks you’ll see), he notices an immediate difference in his performance. Proper breathing, as he puts it, is a total “game-changer.”
WATCH: Andrey Malanichev — Training Program and Top-Secret Russian Insights
It’s in discussions like these that I am reminded of what a nice guy Andrey is, and how willing he is to share his expertise to support the development of other powerlifters and young athletes.
WATCH: Table Talk — What Have You Learned Post-Powerlifting?
With the muscle-building knowledge he has gained since retiring from the sport of powerlifting, what would Dave change about his years training for the platform? We rewind to Dave’s first Table Talk from 2015.
5 Powerlifting Lessons I Flunked Day One
With my old ways of thinking, I kicked ass and got better. But I’ve figured out along the way that it’s like nitrous: it’s great for a quick burst, but powerlifting isn’t a quarter mile.
6 Big Boy Season Must-Haves
I was 417 at my biggest, and very ill-informed about my strength. Powerlifting seems to have a general acceptance of “bigger” meaning “stronger,” but bigger isn’t always better.
WATCH: Table Talk — When to Rotate Supplemental and Accessory Exercises
How much time do you really need to spend with an exercise to know if it’s working or not?
Avoid These Group Programming Mistakes
Simply winging it won’t cut it. It’s incredibly important for your clients’ health and success that you stop making these errors.
Accessory and Supplemental Does Not Equal Unimportant
I see many lifters lack the mind-body connection needed for getting the most out of accessory or supplemental work. Without it, you’re just going through the motions and wasting your time.
What Powerlifters Can Learn From Corporate America
Companies are collecting data on everything: your recent purchases, internet searches, prescriptions, travel habits, and even the TV shows you are watching. So what does this have to do with powerlifting?
WATCH: Table Talk with Dan Green — How to Choose Secondary and Accessory...
A good training program has three main parts: the main lifts for technique, the secondary movements for strength, and the accessory exercises for muscle-specific work.
WATCH: Auto-Regulation vs Percentage-Based Programming for the Off-Season
You can be certain that every great lifter you admire has mastered auto-regulation. If you want to be great, you’ll need to do the same.
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Use Competition Lifts for Max Effort Work?
If you feel you need more work on the competition movements, can you use them as max effort work instead of doing specialty exercises?
What to Do As A Novice Strongman — Writing Your Own Program
You need a lot in a strongman program: basic barbell lifts, accessory work, practice with the events, conditioning, flexibility, mobility, and recovery work. Use these ideas to build your own training program.
When to Build Strength, When to Display It
Think about it. How do you prioritize these aspects of your training?
Building the Raw Squat
While the squat is still the most technical lift we see in powerlifting, the gear whores and raw zealots have much more in common than we think.
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Before getting hung up on specific weaknesses and special exercises, try this simple approach first.
REGISTER NOW: April 30th Training Camp with JL Holdsworth, Swede Burns, ...
You will have the opportunity to learn about any topic in strength training you choose, from execution of the main lifts all the way down to minute details of accessory work.
Tank's Top 10 Scariest Movements
For Halloween this year, I’ve created a list of exercises to haunt your athletes and send them crying for their mummies.
WATCH: Annual Program for Powerlifting — Preparing for a Qualifying Meet...
With the first two phases behind you, it’s time to move into higher gear for the first meet of the year. Are you ready to apply what you learned in weeks 1-13?
WATCH: Annual Programming for Powerlifting — Reintroducing Moderate Barb...
Following an early GPP phase, the yearly program moves toward variations of competition movements and learning which exercises you’ll need later on.
3 Pointers to Vault from Average to Full-Blown Meathead
Diverse strategies to accelerate your strength performance.
Is Minimalism Hurting Powerlifting?
Do we need to drop “weakest link” thinking and just stress the body with big ass weights?
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
We want to teach that we move objects. We do not allow those objects to move us.
How You Take Your Total From Novice To Elite
Training tips from Marc Bartley and Dave Tate to take your total from novice to elite.
Concurrent Strategies in Strength Training, Part 3
Please note that different classifications may be used depending on the athletes’ weak and strong points, level of development, training period, emphasis, and additional items. Those classifications are used to help the coach organize the training system and prioritize things according to the demands of sport and position.