Don’t Let The Things You Love Destroy You 
Don’t Let The Things You Love Destroy You 
The things that gym owners and coaches love to do are destroying them. Find what you love to do without it taking too much of a toll on your health, both mental and physical. #BeThe1ToAsk others if they need help.
What I've Learned From the Mistakes I've Made as A Trainer
What I've Learned From the Mistakes I've Made as A Trainer
It’s great you can point out each origin and insertion of every muscle, but your client doesn’t care. Your end goal is to get your client results and to make them feel better about themselves — not getting them to the point where they’re limping out of your gym.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #20 with Alwyn Cosgrove
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #20 with Alwyn Cosgrove
Alwyn Cosgrove made quite the splash at the SSTSS 2019 event, so it’s only natural we’d have him sit down with Dave… plus, we have a couple of other guests joining Dave and Alwyn. Any guesses? Their last name starts with ant and ends in O…
Learning the Language of a Prospect
Learning the Language of a Prospect
We tend to go into things with fitness coach or trainer eyes. We need to start seeing through the clients’ eyes and thinking like they do. We need to relate to them. Once you do that, you can take them on a journey.
Focus on Success
Focus on Success
Two people see the same situation; one person sees the opportunity, and one person sees the obstacle. In order to overcome the obstacle, it takes a different perspective — a positive one.
You Can Learn Anything
You Can Learn Anything
I don’t know why my tae-kwon-do instructor did this after I told him I couldn’t afford lessons, but he said, “You’ll be back, and you’ll teach the kids’ class.” He gave me an opportunity to become a coach, which changed the direction of my life.
Strength Training: Your Secret Weapon for Sport
Strength Training: Your Secret Weapon for Sport
Strength is a cheat code when it comes to winning. Here’s my basic outline of how you can best implement that cheat code and improve your gym sessions for sport performance.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
We get that training is a top priority for most of our readers, but we also understand that life is messy and complicated. School and/or work can get in the way of training. It’s not realistic for training to come first all the time, which is why this realistic program was made.
Update: elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit Schedule and Registration
Update: elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit Schedule ...
Registration for the 2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit is now open! Not sure about the schedule? Click here for more information. Got the info? What are you waiting for? On your mark, get set... GO REGISTER!
Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit 2019
Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit 2019
Clear your calendars for the weekend of April 26-28 because you've got an elitefts summit to attend!
Four Cornerstones of Sound Program Design
Four Cornerstones of Sound Program Design
Why the rule of 25% is necessary for 100% progress.
Inside the Mind of One of the Top Gym Owners in the Country
Inside the Mind of One of the Top Gym Owners in the Country
In California by way of Scotland, Alwyn Cosgrove is changing the personal training business one rep at a time.
Psychology is Physiology
Psychology is Physiology
Your mind can be an important and impressive asset to your training.
The Business by Alwyn Cosgrove and Jason Ferruggia
The Business by Alwyn Cosgrove and Jason Ferruggia
Over the past year, we have both received tons of emails and phone calls that go something like this: “I have listened to you for a while now and have purchased several products from you. I’ve watched you and your reputation grow.”
Alwyn's Business Advice
Alwyn's Business Advice
Look within and find your gaps. Then close them.
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 4)
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 4)
Part 4 of the Alwyn Cosgrove Interview
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 3)
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 3)
Part 3 of the Alwyn Cosgrove Interview
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 2)
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 2)
Part 2 of the Alwyn Cosgrove Interview
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 1)
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 1)
Here is part 1 of an interview I did with Alwyn on Oct 27, 2007.
No Excuses
No Excuses
Ray is tired of hearing excuses from people about why they don’t or can’t train so he provides readers with plenty of ideas as well as a program to get you started.

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