5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
In conjugate, accessory work plays a huge role, even if it isn’t one that gets the attention. Accessory work is going to help fill your gaps and prevent you from developing new ones.
5 Dynamic Effort Method Principles to Master
5 Dynamic Effort Method Principles to Master
As I said in Part 1, conjugate is one of, if not, the most effective training systems when it is executed properly. Moving a light weight fast isn’t enough to make the dynamic effort method work. Moving a light weight fast with intention is.
4 Max Effort Method Principles to Master
4 Max Effort Method Principles to Master
In my opinion, conjugate is one of, if not, the best training systems — when employed properly. If it isn’t working, don’t disregard the system; instead, check your application.
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
As with anything in training, the answer always is “it depends.” With the max effort method, I can do one of these things for two hours just on advanced principles that deal with the max effort method, or I can do one very that’s simple. I choose simple.
WATCH: Why You Should Check Out Yessica Martinez's Training Log
WATCH: Why You Should Check Out Yessica Martinez's Training Log
Doing more gen pop or accessible workouts doesn’t make someone any less strong. Just ask elitefts athlete Yessica Martinez. Or, better yet, read her training logs to see how doing yoga or some gen pop exercise could lead to some bigger numbers in the squat.
5 Things Beginner and Intermediate Lifters Should Understand
5 Things Beginner and Intermediate Lifters Should Understand
Newer lifters seem to think that they can squat 1,200 pounds in less than a year of training. I hate to burst your bubbles, but that’s not going to happen. It’s a long game, and you need to understand that if you’re going to survive in this sport.
Guidelines For Injury-Free Progress: Controlling Intensity
Guidelines For Injury-Free Progress: Controlling Intensity
“If I train strength and conditioning at the same time, will both suffer?” Unless you are taxing your recovery or training in completely disparate ways, you can train both domains. Here are a few ways you can do that.
The Mind-Muscle Link
The Mind-Muscle Link
You must slow down to truly get a feel for the mind-muscle connection. I know some of you who do slow-motion reps or time under tension think you do not need to slow down. Well, then, this article is ESPECIALLY for you!
The Lost Art of Smelling Salts
The Lost Art of Smelling Salts
No, that white powder I sniff before lifting is not cocaine — it’s smelling salts! If you’re curious about smelling salts, you’re in the right place because back in my day, we would’ve never wasted the greatness of smelling salts…
Push/Pull/Legs Split for Muscle Size
Push/Pull/Legs Split for Muscle Size
Try out this very effective program for hypertrophy that’s ideal for beginners and intermediates alike. All you’ve got to do is train four days per week using this three-day split: push, pull, and legs.
6 Strategies to Advancement
6 Strategies to Advancement
Consider this me throwing you a lifesaver in the vast sea of information. This will help you figure out how to improve yourself by seeking out the best information possible… and how to best find that information.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — "Figuring Shit Out" is Lost
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — "Figuring Shit Out" is Lost
If you’re new to strength sports, don’t be afraid to go into a gym and try to figure shit out. You don’t need to hire a coach immediately — in fact, Dave Tate and Hypertrophy Coach Joe Bennett recommend going into the gym with a friend and have some fun.
3 Don'ts for the Early Deadlifter
3 Don'ts for the Early Deadlifter
My son sent a text last week — just a video of him deadlifting in our garage gyms. We discussed one of the mistakes we discovered he was making at the start of the pull. It was our discussion that influenced this article.
Training Beginners: A Different Approach
Training Beginners: A Different Approach
When new athletes come into your program you don’t know their abilities, training history, or technical proficiency. This is a crucial part of your program: preparing your athletes for their sport.
Why Compete?
Why Compete?
Experts weigh in on the reasons behind all of training pain and preparation of competing in a strength sport.
Transitioning From Novice to Open Class Strongman Competitor
Transitioning From Novice to Open Class Strongman Competitor
Go from Steve Urkel to Brian Shaw by eliminating these weaknesses.
Top 10 Meet Day Tips for the Competitive Lifter
Top 10 Meet Day Tips for the Competitive Lifter
No matter how long you've been around, there's sure to be one or two on this list you've never heard.
What You Need to Know Before Your First Strongman Competition
What You Need to Know Before Your First Strongman Competition
From tacky to technique, St. Louis' Strongest Man puts all the basics together for you.
Goggins and Coan Reflect on their Epic Platform Battles
Goggins and Coan Reflect on their Epic Platform Battles
It goes beyond who wins on that day or even the records posted. What legacy have you left when you hang up your belt? Goggins and Coan have enriched the sport during their decades on the platform.
 The Mindset of a Powerlifter
The Mindset of a Powerlifter
The world of powerlifting is a small enclave overshadowed by the field of bodybuilding.

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