5 Exercises to Never Take Out of Your Program
5 Exercises to Never Take Out of Your Program
The five exercises I have chosen will not cause overuse injuries as the heavy compound movements can. In fact, if you keep them in weekly, you’ll prevent injuries.
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
You have to learn that 2 weeks before the competition, you aren’t going to get stronger. All you can really do is screw things up. Don’t lift 1RMs; instead, deload or train with lighter weights. You want to peak at the competition, not in training.
How Strong is Strong Enough?
How Strong is Strong Enough?
To answer this question, we need to define strength. But there are many ways to define strength, so we all have to come up with our own method for defining strength. For me, it’s the squat.
How to Program Your Back Training at The U
How to Program Your Back Training at The U
Over the past few months, some things in my back training have made a big difference — variations coaches often overlook. Considering paused reps at the chest/stomach, slow eccentrics, scap movements with a rowing motion, and handle/grip variations, back training is limitless.
3 Tips for Coaching the Pull-Up
3 Tips for Coaching the Pull-Up
Coaches must strive to properly ensure a basic neuromuscular connection occurs through correct anatomical position, neurologic comprehension, and sensory awareness before attempting a pull-up.
Close-Grip Bench, Dips, and Chins — When and Why I Don't Program
Close-Grip Bench, Dips, and Chins — When and Why I Don't Program
Let’s get into how you can adjust your form, what to pay attention to, and how you can get the greatest gains from these three exercises without beating up your body.
Elitefts™ Pull-Up Progressions & Regressions
Elitefts™ Pull-Up Progressions & Regressions
Three ways to adjust the resistance of pull-ups in a team setting
Fat Bar DD Handle Pull Ups
Once again, utilizing grip work during the workout, not only at the end, allows athletes to develop grip strength endurance while also performing pulling movements.
Heave Ho! Top Pulling Moves
Heave Ho! Top Pulling Moves
Regardless of whether you’re a beginning grappler or a black belt, a secretary or a garbage man, the importance of pulling and grip strength can’t be emphasized enough.
Dynamic Pull-ups for Grappling
Dynamic Pull-ups for Grappling
With this in mind, turn your attention to pull-ups!
Pull-Up Variations
Pull-Up Variations
Multiple Pull Up Variation Video
One Ring Pull Ups
One Ring Pull Ups
Pull ups and push ups are critical in our workouts, especially our combative athletes.
Monkey Chin Bar
Monkey Chin Bar
Remember when Beavis and Butthead came out and everyone said, “I could have thought of that?” Well, the Monkey Chin Up Bar is the same way, although I’m not sure that its going to have the same appeal and cash flow as Mike Judge’s characters did.
Low Row Pull Ups
Low Row Pull Ups
Postural benefits and upper back strength and stability
Ring Pull Ups
Ring Pull Ups
The power of these is like blast straps, you can turn your hands any which way you please to alter the angle in which your upper body gets worked.
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Moving along now…..
Weighted Moderate Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate Wide Grip Chins
Start with a full stretch, back arched and chin up.
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
This is an awesome movement for developing pulling and grip strength.
Supine Row Walking
Setup in a power rack and perform supine row walking side to side
Side to Side Supine Rows
Side to Side Supine Rows
Setup in a power rack and perform supine rows side to side while maintaining a straight torso line.
 Pull-up 101, Part I
Pull-up 101, Part I
When Elite asked me to write an article about pull-ups, I thought, no problem. This will take about one line—grab a bar and give it a tug. That’s it. Finished. Done! Then I thought, well, no…
 Six of the Best Ways to Use Bands
Six of the Best Ways to Use Bands
Bands are nothing new to most coaches and trainers. They have quickly become one of the most versatile and effective training tools in a coach’s toolbox. Initially, many thought of them only as rehabilitation tools. However, Westside Barbell changed the perception of bands with its innovative techniques for using them for accommodating resistance.

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