Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Did shuffling with a ruck for 30-40 miles a week wreak havoc? Absolutely. Learn now to build your ruck SMARTER and STRONGER.
Move Faster with Your Abdominal Wall
Move Faster with Your Abdominal Wall
Functional running starts with solid breathing and bracing. Learn how to breathe and brace during exercise, and watch how much smoother movement feels.
Reverse Lunges: The Weapon for Strength Development in Running Sports
Reverse Lunges: The Weapon for Strength Development in Running Sports
After exhausting the back squat, I experimented with a more efficient approach to strengthening the lower limbs of my athletes.
From Meathead to Streethead
From Meathead to Streethead
I quizzed Mitch to uncover some of the keys to his transition from a resistance training focus to a largely conditioning focus – from a max bodyweight of 235 to a lean bodyweight of 165.
Integration of Strength and Power Programming for the Lower Body in Sport Preparation
Integration of Strength and Power Programming for the Lower Body in Spor...
Running sports are tangential in nature, so in order to optimize transfer from the weight room to the field, both vertical and horizontal movements need to be considered. To this end, the program I am going to outline will look at elements of training to ensure all bases are covered.
A Strength Athlete's Running Journey
A Strength Athlete's Running Journey
I always had an interest in running. I enjoyed it. It always seemed to help me mentally, and honestly, I feel it’s in all of our blood, and we are predisposed to endurance. But I had pain in my right angle and big toe, so I told myself I’d never be able to run. Until now.
The Running Shoe Caste System
The Running Shoe Caste System
“Buy nice; don’t buy twice.” That saying might apply to elitefts equipment, but it might also apply to running shoes when it comes to doing cardio… Any suggestions for replacing a 27-year-old pair of sneakers?
Running Cycles at Boxes: Stop Wasting Your Clients' Time
Running Cycles at Boxes: Stop Wasting Your Clients' Time
I’m not going to waste your time today, so I’ll get right to the point. Here is my list of reasons why you should avoid linear programming for group box classes at your facility like the plague. Your clients will thank you — maybe not directly, but at least by continuing to show up for class.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — The High School Football Training Plan
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
In the previous videos, Wendler discussed his general mindset and approach to strength and conditioning for a high school football team. In this segment, he goes into detail about how he has designed the training sessions.
Chalk Dust and Trail Runs: Cardio for Powerlifters
Chalk Dust and Trail Runs: Cardio for Powerlifters
How do we glean all the benefits of cardio without compromising our strength and size? It really comes down to two things.
Dynamic Effort Day for Athletes
Dynamic Effort Day for Athletes
Your athletes are not powerlifters. Programming them as if they are will not lead to stronger, faster competitive performance.
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
We’ve had great success devoting three weeks to volume in transition from and to competition prep with this 2-on/1-off/2-on/weekend-off setup.
Being A Garage Lifter
Being A Garage Lifter
Training changed my life, but it was elitefts that taught me how to do it correctly. I’m a garage lifter, and I’m happy to be.
Benefits of "High Impact" Exercise
Benefits of "High Impact" Exercise
Why have "High Impact" exercises been deemed dangerous, when in reality they are important for increasing bone density and strengthening the dynamic stabilizers
Running at Your Full Potential Seminar
Running at Your Full Potential Seminar
11athletics to host a hands-on clinic to teach military and athlete’s how to tap into their full running potential.
Weight Training for Runners
Weight Training for Runners
Follow these weightlifting programs to increase your speed and endurance.
Training for Metabolic Improvement
Training for Metabolic Improvement
Preparing for the demands of the field requires this balance of conditioning and weight training.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Brandon returns with a quick look at hypertrophy and running.
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Last we heard from Jesse Pierce, he was working to meet the Army’s physical fitness standards. Has he achieved his goal?
Being Human, Part 5: A Mountain of Challenge
Being Human, Part 5: A Mountain of Challenge
The true masters of agility are not who you might think…
Women: Running into Trouble
Women: Running into Trouble
But then I watch my friend, Jessica, running on the treadmill, day after day, year after year, running like a madwoman and going nowhere.
Five Ways to Improve 'On the Field' Speed
Five Ways to Improve 'On the Field' Speed
Not only does speed kill, it wins games and wins championships.
Dizenzo's WORLD RECORD: 1 Mile Jog in Less than 15 Minutes
Dizenzo's WORLD RECORD: 1 Mile Jog in Less than 15 Minutes
Just kept busy and did a little work this week after the meet.
The Hills
The Hills
You can either put your life on cruise control, going at the same pace day in and day out, never switching things up or taking the time to assess and appreciate where you are, or you can put everything you have into conquering your challenges, exhausting yourself so that once you do reach the top, you have no choice but
Intense Running Workouts
Intense Running Workouts
When I competed in track in 1988–1992, we did what we were told. I don’t know anything about “block training” or “CNS.” So I can’t give any educated advice on where these workouts fit into a training cycle. All I know is that they killed me, and I can’t imagine one or more of these workouts not being beneficial to

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