Is This the Right Fit?
Is This the Right Fit?
Not every job is going to be the right fit for you, no matter how hard you try to make it work. Know who you are, what you believe in, what you are willing to sacrifice, and what you will and will not do.
What You Will Gain From a Strength and Conditioning Internship
What You Will Gain From a Strength and Conditioning Internship
You’ll learn a lot from your strength and conditioning internship — but there are some things you might glean over. Keep these points in mind, and you’ll get even more out of your internship than you thought possible.
8 Levels of Delegation for Successful Management
8 Levels of Delegation for Successful Management
Your employees are like your clients in the gym. They want to build their skills and strengths and hopefully, are able to do it on their own. If you’re unable to manage your management, you are doing your employees and yourself a major disservice.
A Career Development Plan for GAs and Interns
A Career Development Plan for GAs and Interns
Although this article is directed at those supervising GAs and interns, if you’re a student reading this article, you can use these strategies to help to plan your own professional development as well.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #16 with Dave Tate
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #16 with Dave Tate
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate talks about his childhood, attempting meditation after the episode with JM Blakley, Q&A videos in the elitefts archives, and of course, he answers as many questions as time allows.
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan on Working Full-Time and Coaching
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan on Working Full-Time and ...
It doesn’t matter if you’re planning on coaching part-time or full-time; coaching is a job that requires time, passion, and a deep love of the sport — no matter the paygrade. If you’re only in it for the glory or money, you’re not going to last long.
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and learn from your failures and mistakes. Be willing to learn, and maybe more importantly, be willing to be wrong. Now go and pass that along.
Finding Your Niche in S&C as a Female Coach
Finding Your Niche in S&C as a Female Coach
Professionals who succeed in the field career athletics are few and far between. Look to the ranks of women and the numbers drop even further.
Five Rules for Developing Your Career As A Strength Coach
Five Rules for Developing Your Career As A Strength Coach
Through a recent trip, I had the privilege of seeking guidance from two coaches I admire and whose knowledge can benefit any young strength coach looking to make their mark in this industry.
The Top-10 Things I Learned as an Intern
The Top-10 Things I Learned as an Intern
As an intern, it’s up to you to make the most out of this experience and push yourself to be the best coach you can be. Remember, this is your chance to make an unforgettable impression and rise within the profession. Good luck!
WATCH: Goggins Discusses Recovery for Older Lifters
WATCH: Goggins Discusses Recovery for Older Lifters
Your body is going to change as you age. Goggins says your training should, too.
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
Examples from the playground lead to achievement as an adult.
The Mechanics of Recovery: Knowing When to Recharge
The Mechanics of Recovery: Knowing When to Recharge
Quit pretending you are a Ferrari when you are (in fact) a second-hand high-mileage Ford Focus.
"Rent-a-Careers" for Young People
"Rent-a-Careers" for Young People
Far too many new professionals enter their first jobs like they do an apartment. They aren’t sure if this is a long-term thing, and they haven’t really made up their minds about how long they want to stay in it.
WATCH: Casey Williams — Driven
WATCH: Casey Williams — Driven
What are you willing to give up to get to where you want to be?
The Essential Expansion of STA Sports Performance
The Essential Expansion of STA Sports Performance
Athletic guidance from the man who has been there.
Your First Year as a College Strength and Conditioning Coach
Your First Year as a College Strength and Conditioning Coach
From cleaning benches to writing programs, here are some realizations that I have come across in my first year as a college strength and conditioning coach.
Under the Bar: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Under the Bar: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Four and a half months post-surgery…and the hip feels good.
Guide to Becoming a Strong(er) Exercise Science Student
Guide to Becoming a Strong(er) Exercise Science Student
It is one thing to sit in class and get a degree, but it is going to take more than a piece of paper to set you apart.
Farewell, Nick Lavitola
Farewell, Nick Lavitola
Nick Lavitola’s prowess at both powerlifting and bodybuilding was evident, both by his thickly developed physique and the slew of victories in both sports. Rest in peace, friend.
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Part 1
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
Organizing and implementing a quality internship program can enhance the overall goals of your strength and conditioning program, which has limited budgets and resources.

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