Solving the Conditioning Paradox
Solving the Conditioning Paradox
Bigger players often suffer from a lack of condition—they need size to execute their skill set yet run the risk of overuse-related injuries.
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
Before you go find yourself a hill to sprint up via Google maps (steep hills, such as those in landfills, are ideal), don’t forget to warm up and stay hydrated. It’s a sprint, so go all out!
WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
Even though you don’t want to do it, you have to do it. And by “it,” we mean “deload.”
A Meathead’s Take on the Army Combat Readiness Test
A Meathead’s Take on the Army Combat Readiness Test
Maybe this is coming from a place of bias and resentment, because at a lean 205 pounds, I was always the fat guy with a two-mile time over 14 minutes…but I digress.
The SAID Principle — Training Optimally for Sport
The SAID Principle — Training Optimally for Sport
We as strength coaches have a way of screwing training up even with this ancient, written-in-stone principle.
The Coach's Guide to Programming and Periodization: Basic Principles and Your Exercise Bank
The Coach's Guide to Programming and Periodization: Basic Principle...
We can’t simply throw random exercises and set and rep schemes on a piece of paper haphazardly and then hope for the best. In this series I will teach you how to write programs, including a coach’s assignment for each article.
Skip the Preworkout Powder and Have a Coffee Instead
Skip the Preworkout Powder and Have a Coffee Instead
A new study says coffee may improve athletic performance.
The Pyramids of Giza: A Prowler Challenge
The Pyramids of Giza: A Prowler Challenge
This three-part competitive conditioning challenge will leave you searching for a puke bucket. Can you handle it?
WATCH: Mastering the Kettlebell Clean
WATCH: Mastering the Kettlebell Clean
This fundamental movement requires an advanced technical proficiency. Use this video guide to help you reach total kettlebell comprehension.
Body Weight Tabata Box Squats
Body Weight Tabata Box Squats
Perform aerobic workouts in very little time and not much space with Tabata training. Body weight Tabata box squats are what Scott Yard chose to end his squat and pull workout with.
Kettlebells for Conditioning and Strength
Kettlebells for Conditioning and Strength
Build conditioning, power and athleticism with simple and easy-to-learn kettlebell workouts.
Nutrition Rules for Endurance Athletes
Nutrition Rules for Endurance Athletes
A little extra weight usually helps strength athletes, but how can you drop unneeded baggage for aerobic activity?
The Research Meathead: Magnificent Magnesium
The Research Meathead: Magnificent Magnesium
Magnesium is so important, yet often underrated, underused, and misunderstood.
Muscular Fatigue Versus Endurance: A Quantified Study
Muscular Fatigue Versus Endurance: A Quantified Study
Muscle fatigue and muscular endurance—each is different for every athlete.
Improve Strength Endurance
Improve Strength Endurance
For more exercise ideas, visit our NEW Exercise Index.
Fast Track to Speed Development
Fast Track to Speed Development
Trying to improve your speed? Jerry discusses how to do just that and provides some sample workouts.
 MD Training Bytes
MD Training Bytes
Until recently, most people stretched before they exercised.
Metabolic Power Training for MMA
Metabolic Power Training for MMA
SLAM!!! The empty Mountain Dew can hit the table.
Anatomical Fixer Upper
Anatomical Fixer Upper
As an athlete, eventually you hit a point where performance stagnates, whether it’s from asymmetries, lack of mobility in certain joints, injuries, or false plateaus. Whatever the specific reason, we have all felt a loss of performance. It’s at this point that you need to go back and check your training, nutrition, and recovery journal. You should be looking to

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