5/3/1 for Strongman: Programming Adjustments, Competition Prep, and Training Tips
5/3/1 for Strongman: Programming Adjustments, Competition Prep, and Trai...
Take the core philosophies of 5/3/1, make two key adjustments in exercise selection and timed AMRAP sets, and you’ve got yourself a damn good strongman program.
Simple Does NOT Mean Easy
Simple Does NOT Mean Easy
Here’s the blueprint that’s simple, yet most don’t follow. It’s hard but it’ll yield great results for performance, strength, and size.
#97 - Exercise Selection Checklist with Sam Brown
#97 - Exercise Selection Checklist with Sam Brown
Sam Brown takes over this episode to talk about exercise selection and share his exercise selection checklist.
Exercise Selection: Ask Better Questions and Make Better Choices
Exercise Selection: Ask Better Questions and Make Better Choices
Do you ever wonder why certain exercises happen in the order that they do? Or why athletes will work on power and speed before hitting their main lifts? Here’s why.
What I Learned From Training a 90-Year-Old
What I Learned From Training a 90-Year-Old
Our goals aren’t to build up any capacities or take him from point A to point B, but rather to maintain the capacities he already has and give him the greatest potential to live with the highest quality of life possible.
5 Reasons Why Your Chest Sucks
5 Reasons Why Your Chest Sucks
I have compiled a list of what I have noticed in the 35 years I have spent in gyms that I feel are the five biggest obstacles to growing a great set of titties. Also, ease up on the bench press.
Conjugate U for Collegiate Tennis
Conjugate U for Collegiate Tennis
After reading Conjugate U, I moved forward with implementing the Conjugate Method with my women’s tennis team. Here’s what we accomplished this past season.
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
I firmly believe you have to start at the simplest movement that you can master correctly and then over time progress from the simple to the more complex movements. Download my basic outline with notes included here.
How We Coach Our Clients
How We Coach Our Clients
Our success at JYT, with this approach, has been demonstrated by our consistent growth year after year in our membership, as well as the wide range of people we are able to help and train.
Stop Doing That, Start Doing This: Shoulder Warm-Up Education
Stop Doing That, Start Doing This: Shoulder Warm-Up Education
Let’s go over three shoulder pre-training movements that you are probably doing that you shouldn’t be, then let’s give you some better alternatives.
Newcomer Conjugate Method Lessons
Newcomer Conjugate Method Lessons
From the early stages of my time with the conjugate method, here are the biggest benefits I’ve found.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Know the Trapdoors of Your Training Program
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
To close his presentation, Wendler discusses exercise selection, indicators of athlete readiness, and the importance of knowing the trapdoors of your training program.
WATCH: Table Talk with Dan Green — Deloads and Fatigue Management
WATCH: Table Talk with Dan Green — Deloads and Fatigue Management
Using a planned deload is one effective way to manage fatigue during a training cycle, but strategic exercise selection can help reduce the need for “off” weeks.
Athlete Programming Made Simple
Athlete Programming Made Simple
I cannot have rep integrity, movement efficiency, and tempo in the weight room if my athletes are dumbfounded by the extremely complex exercise selection that looks like a NASA test simulator. So let’s focus on simplifying things.
An Argument for Specificity
An Argument for Specificity
Staying in my own lane and keeping a laser focus on pursuing excellence in the sport of powerlifting is what has allowed me to rise to the top of my field as a coach; specializing, not generalizing.
The Need for Flexibility in Exercise Selection and Progression
The Need for Flexibility in Exercise Selection and Progression
It’s interesting — as strength coaches, we constantly talk about the need for good programming and consistency, but having flexibility is undoubtedly a key component.
WATCH: Table Talk with Mark Dugdale — Exercise Execution, Pre-Workout Food, and Recoverability
WATCH: Table Talk with Mark Dugdale — Exercise Execution, Pre-Workout Fo...
Mark and Dave share their combined knowledge in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, gained from multiple decades honing their respective crafts.
The Four Year College Strength Program: An Alternative Management Perspective
The Four Year College Strength Program: An Alternative Management Perspe...
Using a quadrant management system popularized in the business world, this article examines an alternative method of progressing athletes through four years of collegiate sports.
The Nines and Tens of Training and Nutrition
The Nines and Tens of Training and Nutrition
The things to which you devote your time fall into one of two categories: those that are building your future or those that are holding you back.
Training Beginners: A Different Approach
Training Beginners: A Different Approach
When new athletes come into your program you don’t know their abilities, training history, or technical proficiency. This is a crucial part of your program: preparing your athletes for their sport.
How to Develop a Training Philosophy
How to Develop a Training Philosophy
You can follow someone else’s program and just lift, or you can develop your own training philosophy by figuring shit out for yourself.
Training with Purpose: Hard Work, Smart Work, or Both?
Training with Purpose: Hard Work, Smart Work, or Both?
Which are you: raging bull or exercise scientist?
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
The term strength and conditioning usually brings visions of a meathead coach loading plates, spotting athletes, and screaming motivational words.
Personal Training 101
Personal Training 101
For many people, having the ability to train people for a living is a dream come true.

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