Why It Didn't Work Before
Why It Didn't Work Before
Explore practical tips for overcoming obstacles, structuring your training, and cultivating a positive mindset…aka get your shit together.
5 No-Bullshit Tips to Help You Reach Your Resolution Goals
5 No-Bullshit Tips to Help You Reach Your Resolution Goals
Have you considered that you may be the reason you’re not reaching your goals? It’s time to reevaluate what is really holding you back.
Create SMART Goals for 2020
Create SMART Goals for 2020
It’s not enough to simply declare a goal. In order to stay realistic and successful, make sure your goals are SMART.
2020 Goals and Strategic Execution
2020 Goals and Strategic Execution
Your 2020 goals won’t be achieved in a day. It takes time to build new habits and make lasting changes. See how 75HARD made a difference in Erik Eggers’ goal execution.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #7 with the Hypertrophy Coach (Joe Bennett)
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #7 with the Hypertrophy Coach (Joe Bennett)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Joe Bennett (aka the Hypertrophy Coach) discuss pursuing knowledge, balancing family and work, online coaching, Dave Bautista, and more.
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is good to get the ball rolling, but as soon as the terrain shifts to uphill, the motivation dies, and your ball comes to a screeching halt. Instead, you’ll need to develop enough discipline to move forward on a daily basis.
Live and Coach Your Why
Live and Coach Your Why
My why is to improve athletes through and of the human body and mind by giving them all a well-thought-out program to make them faster, stronger, and more resilient. What’s your why? And why?
Is Your Foundation Made of Rock or Sand?
Is Your Foundation Made of Rock or Sand?
Your foundation needs to be deeper and stronger than your core values. It must be a part of your being, some things that you will never give into or allow to change. These can also be small things that will get you, your staff, and your players through just about anything.
Always Have a Plan
Always Have a Plan
It’s never been about making these “New Year, new me” resolutions; it’s about dedicating yourself to the daily process, having a vision, and having a plan in every aspect of your life. Want to be a head strength coach? Have a plan and dedicate yourself daily to the process.
Starting Over in the Basement
Starting Over in the Basement
I know it is a new year, and everyone starts to look back or forward at this time, and maybe it is a good thing to act to re-evaluate what you are doing with your programs and why. 2019 brought me a new head coach and a great opportunity to review and reassess my football team’s program.
Here are Team elitefts' New Year's Resolutions for 2019
Here are Team elitefts' New Year's Resolutions for 2019
New Year’s resolutions have been around for thousands of years, which gave the elitefts staff plenty of time to share their opinions on the subject and a few goals of their own…
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The training will make you Strong(er) of body. The goal setting will help you become Strong(er) of mind.
WATCH: The Four-Step Coaching Process
WATCH: The Four-Step Coaching Process
Following this revolving approach is the key to creating an environment that strengthens the athletes and solidifies the program.
How I Train for a Meet, Month Two
How I Train for a Meet, Month Two
The month of raw training has ended. Now it’s time to learn your gear and hit big doubles.
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
Examples from the playground lead to achievement as an adult.
Do Goals Limit Your Success?
Do Goals Limit Your Success?
If you are breaking PR after PR than maybe your goals are the biggest limit to your success.
Four-Year Model for High School Athletes
Four-Year Model for High School Athletes
Guide your student athletes through the proper phases of preparation, acclamation, realization, and proficiency to bring home a championship.
You've Got the Map, Follow the Damn Directions
You've Got the Map, Follow the Damn Directions
Don’t get caught in the speed trap on your way to Gainesville.
Role of Ego in the Weightroom
Role of Ego in the Weightroom
Ego slows neuromuscular rates by 26.0333 percent.
Regrets: Just Have a Few
Regrets: Just Have a Few
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exception.
How to Visualize Your Next PR
How to Visualize Your Next PR
Mental steps to take for competition day.
The Secret to Success
The Secret to Success
You think that you know the secret to success, but are you really doing it?
12-Week Progress Report
12-Week Progress Report
Blaine needs this training to help address the stress and frustrations he will have all his life.
Creating Effective Goals instead of Resolutions
Creating Effective Goals instead of Resolutions
Understanding these five things about goals before you set them will ensure success in the new year.
Under The Bar: Priorities?
Under The Bar: Priorities?
Have you ever felt addicted to your goals?
Five Tips to Make You (or That Have Made Me) a Better Coach
Five Tips to Make You (or That Have Made Me) a Better Coach
You want your athletes to grow and advance their skills… why shouldn’t you as well?
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
You do not have to wait for the New Year to develop extraordinary resolve, but if the calendar is a useful reminder, use it to your advantage.
Lotteries, Battle Axes, and Thanks
Lotteries, Battle Axes, and Thanks
Hope, support, and encouragement are all needed to make your goals a reality. The intimidation that springs from wielding an axe doesn’t hurt, either.
Push Outside Your Comfort Zone
Push Outside Your Comfort Zone
We adapt to change by creating new comfort zones, but it is only when we continually challenge these zones and pursue our passions that we become great.
The 80 Percent
The 80 Percent
Apparently, biologists have known the power our minds hold over our genetics. Yet we aren’t being taught how to take advantage of this fact.
Education and Relentless Self-Experimentation for Trainers
Education and Relentless Self-Experimentation for Trainers
My personal training philosophy is to use any and all available tools that allow me to maintain a strong, flexible, and conditioned body to maximize my health.
Under The Bar: Three Things that will save your business
Under The Bar: Three Things that will save your business
I keep a list of questions I ask myself on a weekly and monthly basis. This article will touch on three that can save and grow your business.
Basic Tips to Lose Weight
Basic Tips to Lose Weight
Everyone at one point or another wants to lose weight or get “ripped.” Some of these people succeed in their goals and strive to keep improving. However, many fail miserably and make excuses as to why they didn’t succeed.
 Why Bodybuilding Is NOT for Athletes
Why Bodybuilding Is NOT for Athletes
The biggest problem I come across with athletes is their current training regime. Everyone wants to train like a bodybuilder. I don’t know if it’s the current trend in muscle magazines or misinformation, or maybe the athletes simply don’t have the proper goals in mind. Nevertheless, changes need to be made.
 Plateau Buster: A Look at Goals and IIx Fibers
Plateau Buster: A Look at Goals and IIx Fibers
When developing strength and speed, fiber type matters.

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