6 Foundational Movements to Move, Feel, and Look Good
6 Foundational Movements to Move, Feel, and Look Good
Being lean, strong, and healthy are byproducts of moving right. Are you squatting, hip hinging, lunging, pressing, pulling, and carrying?
5 Common Strongman Weaknesses and How to Fix Them
5 Common Strongman Weaknesses and How to Fix Them
Consider the Press, Deadlift, Farmer’s Walk, Death Medley, and Atlas Stones. I’ll pinpoint the common weakness in each event and provide an exercise (a solution) for you to fix the weak point. No excuses!
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Let me introduce you to the Core 4: push, pull, press, and carry.
WATCH: New elitefts American Multi-Angle Press Bar
WATCH: New elitefts American Multi-Angle Press Bar
This new product combines the design of two previous elitefts favorites into one multi-grip specialty bar.
9 Log Press Mistakes and How to Fix Them
9 Log Press Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Clean up your press and push heavier weight.
Short Explanation: Triceps Anatomy
Short Explanation: Triceps Anatomy
There are three heads to your triceps, but none of them are the 'short head.'
Elitefts™Core Blaster Press Variations
Elitefts™Core Blaster Press Variations
Using the elitefts Core Blaster for some overhead press variations
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
It’s not gay to have your crotch over a man’s face if they’re bench pressing. If they’re not bench pressing, it’s another story.
Reprogramming the Overhead Press
Reprogramming the Overhead Press
The body has the amazing ability to adapt to any stimulus. This can be a bad thing when it comes to training.
Dynamic Bench Press Against Bands
Dynamic work is an essential part in the Conjugate Method
Twist Press
Press, Twist, Repeat
LTT TV: 5 Miles to Go an Inch
LTT TV: 5 Miles to Go an Inch
Joey Smith gives some insight into his benching techniques.
Toe Press
Toe Press
Calves like Andy Deck
Lumberjacks Unite!
Lumberjacks Unite!
Lumberjacks Unite!
Reverse Band Presses
Reverse Band Presses
In this clip Dave, John, and their group are doing some heavy reverse band presses. These work much in the same fashion as benching against bands by overloading the top of the lift. This is another way to feel a heavy weight in your hands and gain confidence.
Reverse Band Press
These work much in the same fashion as benching against bands by overloading the top of the lift
Bench Press w/Chains
Bench Press w/Chains
Everything is cooler with chains
Leg Press Hell
Leg Press Hell
You won’t walk normal for days!
Spoon Press
Spoon Press
Notice how big JL is and how small those dumbbells are.
5 Ways to Increase Your Press
5 Ways to Increase Your Press
Just like any lift, if you want it to increase you have to make it a priority in your training.
Pull, Press, Squat
Pull, Press, Squat
There is only one recipe for strength.
Bridging One-Arm DB Bench Press
Bridging One-Arm DB Bench Press
Setup on edge of bench, with DB’s on quads.
Prowler Press
Prowler Press
These are a great way to pump up your chest and shoulders and aid in recovery.
Barbell Leverage Shoulder Press
Barbell Leverage Shoulder Press
Start with the two bars at shoulder level.
The Missed Lift
The Missed Lift
One very important thing to remember about training and competitive advice is that what others overlook is usually the answer. In other words, the answer is usually very simple but normally only comes from an advanced lifter.
Maximum Effort Training for Strongman
Maximum Effort Training for Strongman
As covered in my last article, the dynamic effort (DE) session is dedicated to speed. Max effort (ME) is dedicated to huge weights and re-writing the record books every session you train. My approach is a bit different from the traditional Westside approach.
I Thought It Was Pretty Simple
I Thought It Was Pretty Simple
The handoff for the bench is very important but an often-overlooked skill. There are two major mistakes that are often made.

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