Home Gym Essentials on a Budget
Home Gym Essentials on a Budget
Here are my top budget-conscious choices for an extremely effective home workout.
WATCH: Build Your Press 9 Ways
WATCH: Build Your Press 9 Ways
Don’t be afraid to mix up your workout routine with something new. Try a new exercise and see if it works well for you. That’s what I did today, and it ended up being a solid workout session. Plus, my bench press has felt stronger every week. Try it! What’ve you got to lose?
Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric
Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric
In an effort to accomplish the goals of both athlete preparedness and strength, power, and speed development, the Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric can be utilized effectively and specifically to an athlete’s sport.
3 Back Exercises to Build Your Bench
3 Back Exercises to Build Your Bench
Brandon pushed 315 at 132 lb body weight from the help of these accessory moves…
Interview with Metal-Lifter Anna McCloskey
Interview with Metal-Lifter Anna McCloskey
Spud Speaks...Anna Replies!
44 and Broken, Part 4
44 and Broken, Part 4
I’m half way through the training cycle for my meet. I almost forgot how hard training for a meet is on your body.
Tackling the Weighted Chin-up
Tackling the Weighted Chin-up
This article is for those who have become proficient with chin-ups and pull-ups and want to progress into heavier weighted pulls.
The Beheading of the Angry Troll
The Beheading of the Angry Troll
So ends the same ole tale of three dudes who screamed never ever will we marry.
Sticking Point Tips
Sticking Point Tips
These simple changes made my deadlift jump from a hard 700 to a solid and easy 740 with room to spare.
Bench by Numbers
Bench by Numbers
The more intently you focus on single points during a training session the more the body will do what you want it to do.
Bartley Squat Tip
Bartley Squat Tip
Marc Bartley has tips for everything. This one is for keeping your arch.
Spud Strap Face Curl
Video Demonstration of Spud Strap Face Curl
Overhead Triceps Pushdown With Spud Strap
Overhead Triceps Pushdown With Spud Strap
I would caution against this exercise.
Training with Spud
Training with Spud
I moved from Greenville, South Carolina, to Columbia, South Carolina, to go to school at the University of South Carolina almost three years ago. I considered myself a hardcore powerlifter, and at the seasoned age of 19-years-old, I thought I knew what I was doing.
Spud Speaks: More News From Marc Bartley
Spud Speaks: More News From Marc Bartley
Saturday was great because there was no cardio to do. I was drained from the week, and it took about two hours to get going. I usually do light upper body and then a dynamic speed pull day, but since I couldn’t get it going, I did some reverse bands, thinking that would be easy.
Spud Speaks: News From Marc Bartley
Spud Speaks: News From Marc Bartley
I just wanted to devote a few paragraphs of my log to the sweet hell I’ve been enduring since my decision – or the forced hand because of my injury – to get lean.
Marc Bartley’s Squat Routine
Marc Bartley’s Squat Routine
Squatting big in a meet is every powerlifter’s dream. For some, it can make or break the meet. The big squat sets the tone for the meet. This is truly the case for me. Therefore, my focus is always on the BIG SQUAT.

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