5 Essential Questions to Get Strong and Jacked—Answer Now!
5 Essential Questions to Get Strong and Jacked—Answer Now!
These questions are the roadmap to getting strong and jacked, along a playbook for when shit hits the fan. And, shit will hit the fan.
How Strong is Strong Enough?
How Strong is Strong Enough?
To answer this question, we need to define strength. But there are many ways to define strength, so we all have to come up with our own method for defining strength. For me, it’s the squat.
Minimizing Pain for the Active Meathead
Minimizing Pain for the Active Meathead
Still want to play softball, play basketball, practice martial arts, hike, bike, and swim? Although these things are extremely fun and I highly recommend them for mostly everyone, they can certainly take their toll on your body, especially when combined with hard training.
The Irrational Immediate Gratification Society
The Irrational Immediate Gratification Society
Young athletes and parents of young athletes, listen up. There’s no powder or program to take you from Pee-wee Herman to Phil Heath overnight.
Steve's Strength Tips: Get Pissed Not Stapled
Steve's Strength Tips: Get Pissed Not Stapled
Approach the bar with eyebrows like Yosemite Sam.
Strong Is NOT the New Skinny
Strong Is NOT the New Skinny
It is the old, new, and eternal adjective used to describe women…
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
So, to sum up: pick a program you believe in, work HARD at it and get brutally strong.
Under the Bar: How Strong is Your Pain?
Under the Bar: How Strong is Your Pain?
“Are you strong enough to handle the pain?”
A Reactive Training Manual Overview
The Reactive Training Manual has been available for over a year now.
 Do You Have to Be Fat to Be Strong?
Do You Have to Be Fat to Be Strong?
Many of you know that I compete as an amateur powerlifter.
1100 Pound Abs
1100 Pound Abs
The other day in the gym, the topic of ab training for strength came up. I figured there was nobody better to ask than 1100 pound squatter Matt Wenning.

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