The Education of a Powerlifter
The Education of a Powerlifter
This is one of the best and most popular articles to ever be posted on the site. After you read this you will understand what it means to Live, Learn, and Pass On.
The Power of a Good Training Partner
The Power of a Good Training Partner
Beyond the obvious benefits of camaraderie and mutual encouragement, there are some definite positives to having a good training partner.
No One Makes It Alone
No One Makes It Alone
It’s a long way to the top so find the main players who’ll walk beside you to make you better along the way. It’s easy to find people that look impressive but are they really everything they say? Are they all fluff with no substance?
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
When Honesty is the Only Policy
When Honesty is the Only Policy
Not unlike with your spouse or significant other, the relationship between training partners depends on many things, but at the central core to this relationship is the quality of one’s honesty with their training partner.
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Barbell
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Bar...
When a lifter at Omaha Barbell struggles with her deadlift during a training session, Ed Coan offers her technical advice, and Dave tells her to “clear your fucking head.”
WATCH: What Dave Tate Learned from Training with John Meadows
WATCH: What Dave Tate Learned from Training with John Meadows
Dave Tate is no bodybuilder, but he’s sure learned a lot about purpose, training, and intent from training with one of the greats.
A Thanksgiving Message from Dave Tate
A Thanksgiving Message from Dave Tate
For 2018, I am thankful for a handful of things from the gym that I will always remember—things that to this day help me keep perspective and clarity in business and life.
Learn to Train X — What It Really Means to Live, Learn, and Pass On
Learn to Train X — What It Really Means to Live, Learn, and Pass On
In rant fashion, Dave Tate breaks down the components of the famous “Live, Learn, Pass On” philosophy that has shaped his personal journey, as well as the overarching mission of elitefts.
How Not to Suck as a Training Partner
How Not to Suck as a Training Partner
Having the right crew or partner to rely on, and to train with, can make or break a lifter. It’s one of the most sought-after and difficult-to-find things for competitors and hobby lifters alike.
Five People You Need in Your Training Life
Five People You Need in Your Training Life
I have looked at my personal success and observed who in my life has helped me move toward my goals. These are the types of people who can bend my ear, grab my attention, and then push or pull me toward the place I need to be.
The Role of Individual Differences in Programming
The Role of Individual Differences in Programming
The principles of training are the same for everyone, but the details are different. If you want to learn how to tailor your training by fine-tuning these details, this is the article for you.
WANTED: Qualified Training Partner
WANTED: Qualified Training Partner
Only the serious need apply.
Short-Term Friends in a Long-Term Sport
Short-Term Friends in a Long-Term Sport
Some friends remain steady and become full-time training partners. These are the people you trust with your lifting and your life. But you’ll also encounter short-term friends, where most of your trouble and drama will arise.
5 Cues That Can Screw Up Your Lifting
5 Cues That Can Screw Up Your Lifting
Believe it or not, there is such a thing as “too much of a good thing”, and over-applying a cue when it’s not needed can really jack up a lifter’s technique.
Are You A Teammate or Training Partner?
Are You A Teammate or Training Partner?
I am always looking into why teams win. No matter the sport, venue, business, you name it, I am constantly asking myself what they are doing to win. This is one thing they all share.
When to Build Strength, When to Display It
When to Build Strength, When to Display It
Think about it. How do you prioritize these aspects of your training?
WATCH: Knee Wrapping Technique for PR Attempts
WATCH: Knee Wrapping Technique for PR Attempts
If I don’t want to punch you in the face during my wrap, it’s not tight enough. Here’s how to do it right.
Verbal Cues Every Set — A Reminder of Your Duty as a Training Partner
Verbal Cues Every Set — A Reminder of Your Duty as a Training Partner
If your training partner’s technique is poor it will take a lot more than empty encouragement to make him better.
Training and the Dead Cat Bounce
Training and the Dead Cat Bounce
In a downward slump, my training has started to look up. I attribute this to one simple programming tactic.
 15 Dumb Things Powerlifters Must Stop Doing
15 Dumb Things Powerlifters Must Stop Doing
You’re guilty of at least one of these things. Don’t be a shithead. Stop.
Should Anything be Off-limits When it Comes to a Training Partner?
Should Anything be Off-limits When it Comes to a Training Partner?
I asked a few questions that began to strike me as odd to ask a guy who wants to train with you.

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